𝟎𝟎𝟒; sᴄʀᴇᴀᴍs

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THE SCREEN SHOWS, ten years later, the Wool's Orphanage were not too big, yet it did look appropriate.

Wool's Orphanage was never quite renowned for its high quality or the way the staff tended to treat the children in their care, but they were by no means cruel or poor.

The orphanage was a place where children, who were unfortunate enough to have been abandoned by their parents or discarded by people who considered their presences to be less than a nuisance, stayed until they were either adopted or old enough to enter the real world on their own.

For some it was their safe place, but for some, it was hell. Instead of feeling wanted, they felt unwanted while staying their.

The hall tensed, neither of the pureblood would love to feel
unwanted and because of that

Sirius felt guilty.

His niece was in an Orphanage while his son had no father. He hope to be able
to change that. He will do anything to watch them grow up.

He is currently doing it, well-

The sound of a bittersweet melody was the only thing heard throughout the orphanage.

The only source of light passes through the small window in Lyra's room. where other children rooms are filled with toys books and bright colors.

But not one Coventina Hera Potter aka The Chosen One. Her room was filled with dark old books. There were no toys anywhere, there were no bright colors. there was only black dark blue and green.

Coventina was a vision of ethereal beauty, Her hair was a cascade of curls, tumbling down her back and framing her face. The girl's eyes were a striking shade of dark green, just like the killing curse, piercing yet soothing, an ethereal beauty yet she was only eleven.

"Oh. My. God!!" Marlene squeals happily while shaking James. "Your daughter is like a goddess!!" She giggles.

"She is going to make a lot of person fall on their knees!" Sirius grins.

 If only he knows how true, his words
are but not in the good sense.

"She inherited our beauty like James!" Euphemia squeals.

"She has your eyes Lily!" James exclaimed dreamily.

Coventina was currently in the garden with her two dorm mates or like they called themselves, her best friends and knights.

They were Anastacius Thanatos Peverell and Aelora Liliana Nikova. Anastacius was nowhere near the beauty of a Greek god. He was better, dark black hair with pale blue eyes that could make anyone drown into them.

He was the charming boy in the Orphanage, or so they thought.

"Oh, oh."

"He seems interesting." Evan Rosier says to his friends.

"Of course he is, he is a Peverell." James smirks, people could call it arrogance but James was just proud of his family and will do anything to keep them happy.

Aelora was the only girl who could
at least match. Hair as black as the night, with her hazel eyes that could be passed as golden.

Unlike Coventina who like peace and quiet, Aelora love making noise, but both have a passion for one thing.

It was chaos.

"Our blood run in their veins! Moony? Can we adopt her?" Sirius asked with her puppy eyes.

𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔶 𝔯𝔢𝔭𝔢𝔞𝔱 𝔦𝔱𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔣 | 𝐇𝐏 ʷᵗᵐWhere stories live. Discover now