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ANTARES WAS GOING CRAZY, he had been getting annoyed and overly angry at Weasley who keep following his goddess every single where after she showed that she was a parsel- mouth.

"Kick his ass son!" Remina glare at Sirius before pinching him yet she made sure to not hurt him and make it more playfully.

Not many know it- only the Potter and Marlene know it, they knew that Remina hate when people hurt sirius
or James, Marlene hate it too.

Delphina Lestrange leaned back on her chair and watched Antares closely. "What do we do?" Draco Malfoy asked.

"What?" Delphina asked, "He is angry, Antares is never angry." Draco reminded. It was the truth, they had barely ever saw Antares angry and when he was, they got scared.

"Stop Weasley from bothering Coventina?" She shrugged.

"Wow! I did not think of such amazing idea!" Draco exclaimes dramatically.

"Hmfp, idiot."

"He look like Lucius with Narcissa's personality." Druella smiles which is something rare.

"The dramaticness." A Hufflepuff comments.

"That's a Black's signature."

"You two, don't you have anything better to do." Antares stated coldly.

When he got angry, he was like a guy possessed. His eyes would turn dark, and his face would twist in a rage that was both terrifying and impressive.

His voice would become low, grating, and dangerous, and his words would cut like a knife. It was as if a switch had been flipped, and he was no longer the happy-go-lucky friend they knew.

And when he was angry, he was like
a wildfire, raging and destroying everything in his path. He would leave a destruction behind him, and in its wake, Alphard would often say that Antares was like a living, breathing, volcano.

People who knew Antares well knew that it was best to stay out of his way when he was angry. They would often warn others to just stay away from him if they saw him getting angry.

Because when Antares got angry, he was like a different person altogether, and it was best not to be around him when that happened. He was like a living, breathing, tsunami, and his anger was a force to be reckoned with.

"He is so mysterious, sometimes he is a happy boy, then he easily know when someone manipulate him and now he change personality when is angry." James thought.

"Should I be worry?" Instead of Remina, it was Sirius who asked that.

"If he is like Moony? Yes, you should." James giggles.

"Too cute!" Thought his friends and parents.

"N-now that you said! Yes, come on Dray!" Delphina grabbed Draco's wrist and walked away.

"I am not paid enough for this." She thought while walking.

"I vote to raise Minnie's pay!" Sirius states gaining some's attention.

"How's that, my boy?" Dumbledore looks at Sirius.

"She literraly do ¾ of yours job, so she clearly need a vocation and a bigger pay." James shrugs.

"He is right!" Every Gryffindors agreed.

"I-I will see what I can do." James smirks and smiles at professor McGonagall who was shocks and happy if you look closely.

𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔶 𝔯𝔢𝔭𝔢𝔞𝔱 𝔦𝔱𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔣 | 𝐇𝐏 ʷᵗᵐWhere stories live. Discover now