𝟎𝟔𝟔; ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴏɴᴇ

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━━━ THE FIGURE NEXT TO COVENTINA SHIFTS. Her eyes glinting with the stars in the sky as she grins. "Smile, little one." She tells Coventina.

Coventina glances up at the night sky and smiles. She's never seen such a beautiful sight in her life. The stars twinkle back at her, the moonlight reflecting off of them. "It's so..." She blinks back tears and smiles wider.

"I've never seen anything like this." The wind rustles through her hair, and her grin grows even bigger. But suddenly, the wind becomes strong, threatening to blow away the moon's radiance.

The figure smirks, "It's you who is causing all of this chaos." She tells hers.

"I know." Coventina replies as she watches the sky darkening more and more.

The wind continues to blow violently, threatening to extinguish the moon's brightness. The figure's smirk grows wider, her eyes gleaming in the darkness. She leans closer to Coventina and whispers: "You have the power to control this. All you need is to embrace it."

"Yes, I know. I know the destruction I have but why does everything hurt?" She asks the figure.

"Because sometimes some decisions are made and people get hurt." The figure stands up, flipping her white silver hair.

"Don't worry, I am always by your side." The figure adds.

"How can I trust you?" Coventina asks get.

The figure sighs. "You don't have to trust me. But let me ask you something: Who else can you trust right now?"

The sky grows darker and the wind swirls around them. It feels like everything around them is being consumed by darkness and chaos. But the figure remains calm and collected. Coventina feels a hint of trust in that calmness.

"You always had your way with words have not you? Aerys." Coventina smirks.

"You love manipulating me- not in a bad way but still." Coventina looks at her.

Aerys chuckles. "Yes, my words have a way of convincing you." She meets Coventina's gaze, her eyes twinkling playfully as she leans closer. "And don't worry, I like manipulating you -- in a good way." She smiles reassuringly. "It's part of who I am."

"I need to go back with the others." Coventina tells her, her heart aching at the recent betrayal.

"Will you forgive Aurelius?" Aerys asks her. "I...I don't know." Coventina's voice is shaky, and her heart is still aching from the betrayal. She wants to forgive Aurelius, but she's not sure if she can. "I thought we were friends and he betrayed me. It hurt..."

"Yet... Something inside of me call out for him, for that stupid Black too. Sometimes I wish that I never met him. Fate seems to always be on his favor." Coventina murmurs.

Aerys stares at her, her expression softening. "Fate can be cruel like that... It feels like we're meant to meet some people and love them, and yet they betray us in the worst possible ways. It hurts."

Aerys leans forward and whispers in Coventina's ear: "But remember, fate also brought you to me. Do you truly wish that we never met?"

"Hm, the only trouble you bring me is by taunting Black, you also hide things from me." Coventina looks at Aerys.

"Why do you hate him? Why does he hate you so much?" She asks.

Aerys pauses for a moment, considering her question. "He hates me because I remind him of all that he has lost...." She turns away from Coventina and stares off into the darkness. "And I hate him because he reminds me of what I have lost as well."

𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔶 𝔯𝔢𝔭𝔢𝔞𝔱 𝔦𝔱𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔣 | 𝐇𝐏 ʷᵗᵐWhere stories live. Discover now