☆ chapter 2.

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instagram + narrative.

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IT HAD BEEN A WEEK SINCE ELIZABETH HAD WALKED INTO THAT DORM ROOM. seven days since she had made the extremely smart decision to stay at a dorm on campus instead of getting her own apartment.

since then, she had been working on avoiding paige. this consisted of elizabeth taking a pile of clothes from her suitcases and her necessities and staying at her best friend, camilas, off campus apartment.

elizabeth and camila had become friends after elizabeth had played against her twin sister in high-school. they became close, but because they lived halfway across the state from one another, they rarely saw each other. camila was the one elizabeth went to after paige had dropped her. so of course, when they both got offers for uconn, elizabeth for basketball and camila for volleyball, they accepted them.

after elizabeth had practically ran hers and paiges room that day, she called camila, telling her everything. she had miraculously survived the drive to camilas off-campus apartment without a mental breakdown after facing her ex best-friend for the second time that day.

they had spent the past week partying and doing everything they could before classes start, and the opportunities to see each other became very slim.

unfortunately, good things must come to an end, and classes were starting soon, as well as the basketball season. elizabeth had no choice but to go back and face the blonde.

that would be where elizabeth is right now, currently sitting in the parking lot of the east campus, thinking through all the possible ways to get out of sharing a room with paige for the next year.

elizabeth was sat in her car with her head in her hands when somebody knocked on the driver-side window. elizabeth glances up from her current position to face a tall black girl with braids. this mysterious girl smiled elizabeth excitedly before elizabeth suddenly understood what she was supposed to do.

rolling down the window, elizabeth decides to speak first.

"uhm, hello?" elizabeth questions her politely.

"hi! youre elizabeth williams right? im aaliyah edwards! im on the womens basketball team," aaliyah explains to her.

"yeah, i am! how did you know?"

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