Past Part 25

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One year later..

Cyberhub, Gurgaon

Arjun's office where he works as a assistant manager..

5:00 p.m.

Arjun was working along with a trainee on the new software alloted to them for arranging the products according to their sales..

Since Arjun joined here as the associate trainee to department, was soon hired as a staff, because of his sharp skills and also he was trained in the best companies of US, so it wasn't difficult for him to understand the work profile

However one thing that did bother him was the work culture in the company he worked in, according to him, everyone took work very casually, and wasn't really interested in work..

The perfectionist, determined, hardworking candidate like Arjun was finding it difficult to work around the lousy creatures of Indian corporate..

'Sir it's not accepting the entries...' the intern said, adjusting his specs which was bigger than his face

'Why ?' Arjun asks looking up from the file

'The software needs an update sir, I asked the technical team to look at it thrice, but they don't have orders from Saini sir...' the intern informed

'Can't you update it Kabir...?' Arjun looks at the screen now

'It's a paid one Sir, it's update will cost my 2 month allowance in this company...' Kabir chuckles and Arjun runs his hands through the hair

It was the fifth time Arjun reminded his boss about the software, but it was going deaf ears

This delay was leading to a cascading reaction of late sales reports, late departmental presentation and so on..

'I'll remind Saini sir about it... Again...' he rolled his eyes at the last word

'Okay sir...' Kabir nods and starts doing his work

Arjun liked this boy, he was well behaved, hardworking and polite guy, he wondered what was he doing in this lousy company, just like he was wondering this for himself

He got up and walked out of the cubicle alloted to him, towards manager's cabin to collide with the most annoying woman in the office

'Easy there handsome, you don't need to find reasons to come in my way...' she flirtily comments and Arjun rolled his eyes

'I am in hurry Mrs. Kapoor, see you...' he replies and without waiting for her answer, took long strides towards the manager's floor

As he walked around he saw people chilling near the coffee machines or chatting across their desks, laughing and judging people around, instead of working

Yes, it was almost the dispersal time and people tend to be lousy at this time, but this is how they are always, he hardly saw them working seriously, even during the deadlines...

Though Arjun believed in recreation at work as well, but how can they be so casual during work hours, how do they manage to lead the share prices in the market all the time, Arjun was trying to figure this out since the time he joined here

He hated this workplace, this flattering culture, and most importantly the ignorance towards the work

'Oo new hero, come have tea with us...' one of his seniors called

'No thank you sir, I have some work with Saini sir...' he replied politely

'When will it be 5:30 dude, I can't wait to run from here...' he hears some girl whining

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