[LotB×BO/REVERTED 📝] scenarios go brrr

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something something i have ideas and wish to share them because i wanna.

when the LotB!Balancers got teleported out by the BO!Creators, Balance passed out, right? and while he's unconscious LotB!Unbalance & LotB!Equality was ran into by BO!Unbalance, BO!Nova & Lava

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when the LotB!Balancers got teleported out by the BO!Creators, Balance passed out, right? and while he's unconscious LotB!Unbalance & LotB!Equality was ran into by BO!Unbalance, BO!Nova & Lava.

while the two groups started talking- well, it's more like arguing, because the BO folks thought the LotB fellas did something to Balance because. well. he's kinda passed out with, in BO's pov, an imposter Unbalance and a very different lookin' Equality.

with those stuff happening, Balance started to wake up halfway through the conversation.
and you wanna know what he first registered when he woke up, when he could finally manage a thought while not heavily oversimulated?

Lava. Lava was the first person he registered within his foggy mind.
so BO!Balance called out for him.

that got the others' attention real fast.
and confuse the fudge outta LotB!Unbalance & LotB!Equality, while causing the BO fellas to snatch BO!Balance right as soon as the LotB folk lowered their guard.

Lava would probably be the one to try and get answers from Balance (softly, of course. he can tell Balance is a lil outta it and he doesn't want to overwhelm him right away).
while the LotB and BO folk would probably try to figure out what's up with eachother. try and learn what happened.. maybe at first it was an argument because of misunderstanding, then it turns into a conversation because.. well, there's now 2 Unbalances.

and the LotB folk will soon learn that there's another version (BO version) of themselves somewhere too, albeit not for all of them.

the BO!Creators existence as a whole. them trying to help the BO!Balancers get their bearings, searching for and helping them along through this new world. calming them through the first few moments of lag due to the difference between their universes' stability.

BO!Dinnerbone helping the Balancers (both LotB & BO) to a more safe area, looking out for Dest incase he's nearby, helping hide their locations. BO!Jeb doing his best to keep them relevantly calm, trying to get information of what's happening here.

BO!Noah, as soon as he got away from Dest, went to check on Balance immediately. concerned for his wellbeing. wanting to know what happened to him, if he remembers.
he's a very concerned father lmao.

btw what i mean when the world of BO basically got shoved into the world of LotB, i meant it quite literally.

different places that were relevant to BO are scattered all over the LotB Server, this also includes the people that were in BO, unfortunately enough. the Spirit Guardian is sure gonna have a time.

the temple that the BO Balancers started living in was spawned in the same forest the LotB guys were sent to, and so was BO!Bally. yep, she's still in there with some of the BO Balancers. they all got scattered, rip.

BO!Balance is gonna be so happi his wolf is safe frfr.

.. oh uh. yeah. that also means that EntityBrine is a thing too. Fuck.
welp, that's their problem, ain't mine lmao—
then again Dest did fuck over Demon King because he wanted to be the big bad for the season soo... Hm. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

EntityBrine is a confused bitch. he's gettin' jumped by the Hunters frfr.

i honestly think that the whole time that this is happening, Lava is constantly reporting/steaming the game to his little friend group/discord server (Box, Butterz & Nether).

like the moment he managed to join the LotB Server and spot BO!Unbalance & BO!Nova, he immediately went to discord and spam pinged them all.
like. SPAM spam ping.
they all woke up to Lava spamming images of the whole LotB×BO event and him going happy crazy over it. and tbh i think they would be too.

they were like, the people he went to when the BO Server got fucked over. so seeing him actually getting his little steve friends back is kinda neat. they all have questions though, and Lava will gladly answer because he got no clue how this happened either.

they were also good for pointing out differences between the BO & LotB Balancers, and with brainstorming ways to help.

either way, the group server became very active from that day forward.

i honestly think the Netherbalances would get along. science buddies wooo!!

the 2 underbalances are sooo gonna clash heads. they are NOT gettin along At Fuckin' All. rip.

oh yeah and this is the arc that had Balance get taken over by Psychotic Dest too soo.. what a ride that will be!!

the BO!Creators would notice the first attempt by Dest immediately. wither or not they could stop it is.. well, idk. probably? hopefully.. rip.

but if/when Balance do turn into Psychotic Balance, i feel like at least some of the BO!Balancers will notice. the BO!Creators already know what's happening because they're basically gods and will immediately do their best to warn/make sure Psychotic Balance doesn't get to do much harm.
hopefully they succeed.
hopefully Navy doesn't die this time.

pretty sure some of the BO!Balancers are gonna spawn in Elder Village too. don't know who, maybe those who were wandering outside in the BO Server before existn't at the time, maybe not.

either way— ✨chaos go weeee✨

anddd yeah that's all!! at least for now. a lot of stuff are going through my head and ah doubt it's stoppin' lolz
g'day fellas, yippeeee  *noclips into the backrooms*

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