[📖 | Only a Nightmare] Balancers' POV

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howdy. these are taken straight from my Tumblr because they're on there and no one really knows they're there so. yeah.
they're made from a writing meme thing i did and boy was i so happi qjgxsjk/gen

yes, Only a Nightmare is the shortened name for the LotB × MC Dreams crossover book. it finally has a shortened name now.
they're all basically POVs from the Balancers before & during Chapter 1.

also how am i #11 on Origins SMP. how did that happen.. uhm. enjoy i guess lmao—

~ × ~

Who, in the ever loving of Origin, is that?

Debalance is very aware of the Copper Steve that's staying in their village for a good bit, since whatever is going on in his kingdom is not something he could live in.

Rebalance is talking to Copper, trying to get information about whatever is happening over there. Apparently there's a war going on. That's not.. great.

What he's concerned about, however, was the being that's in the forest around their village right now.

Maybe he's seeing things. Maybe the stress of the whole Brine situation is finally getting to him.

OceanBalance: Hey guys?

OceanBalance: Does anyone see a blue thing in the forest?

... So he's not seeing things. Not good.

~ × ~

So.. Re & De left to deal with whatever that blue thing was.

Ocean wasn't really sure what to do with what he just saw. Someone has found their village, and that someone might have been a threat. Almost immediately after Balance just left to deal with.. whatever the Copper Steve's kingdom is dealing with.

Great. That's fun. So very Fun.

Best he could do now was wait for Re & De to come back, and possibly with whatever that thing was. Not like that thing would be a problem, they've beaten a God already. He's sure they can deal with whatever was just stalking them. Probably.

.. He doesn't like that the whole time, Bally is looking at the general area the blue thing was spotted in. He tried getting her attention but she doesn't respond. With all the time he's been with Bally, she's a very energetic wolf- so with her being quiet.. it's. It's really unsettling.

He was about to go back to his little cave when he was immediately startled by a very, very loud scream. And then yelling, that he immediately recognized them belonging to Re & De.

He nervously looked at the forest that the 2 are in, seeing out of the corner of his eyes that the other Balancers seemed to have heard the screaming too, unsurprisingly.
He thinks he heard Spirit ask if they should go help them.

He's sure they'll fine. Hopefully.

~ × ~

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