Chapter one

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So chapter one is here! Hope you'll enjoy it. Happy reading!


Author's Pov

In the soft morning glow, sunlight gently streamed through the sheer curtains, casting a warm ambiance in her apartment. The girl, draped in a long grey t-shirt that elegantly covered her black shorts, appeared lost in a realm of pure joy. The captivating rhythm of "Iraaday" by Abdul Hannan & Rovalio permeated the air, and she surrendered herself to the enchanting melody.

With grace, her nimble feet glided across the floor in a dance of carefree abandon. The enticing scent of breakfast delicacies filled the room, offering a tempting preview of the morning feast she skillfully prepared. Her waist-length straight black hair flowed down her back, bouncing harmoniously with each spirited movement.

The song's lyrics became her cherished morning hymn, and she sang with an authentic sense of delight. Within the confines of the apartment, typically a realm of routine, a magical shift occurred, turning it into a sanctuary brimming with spontaneity and exuberance. While the external world slowly roused, inside those walls, time seemed to twirl and sway to the beat of her joyous morning ritual.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, a young man, disturbed from his peaceful slumber by the blaring music, attempted to muffle the noise by burying his head beneath an additional pillow. Yet, the relentless beats only intensified. Letting out a resigned sigh, he abandoned his bed and hastened out, determined to confront the source of his morning disturbance.

Emerging from his own apartment, he descended the stairs, making his way to the upper floor from where the intrusive music emanated. In the two-story building with a terrace, having just moved the previous day on the ground floor, he remained oblivious to the identity of his first-floor neighbor. The neighborhood, lacking in liveliness, added an air of mystery to his quest.

Upon reaching the first-floor apartment, he was poised to knock on the door when his attention was captivated by an open window.

A surge of curiosity propelled him to investigate the source of the lively music, and he found himself drawn towards the melodic voice of a woman singing along with the song. As he approached the window, his eyes fell upon a sight that left him astounded-a girl, dancing with infectious joy. Although her face remained somewhat obscured, a sudden turn revealed a countenance he never expected to encounter after four long years.

Frozen in astonishment, he realized that fate had orchestrated an unexpected reunion with someone from his past-a girl who had left an indelible mark on his heart.


"You won't believe it, someone's taken the ground floor," Ishika remarked.

"Oh, really? How did I miss that?" Nitya, Ishika's friend and roommate, inquired.

"Well, you weren't around, obviously!" Ishika replied, adding, "I only found out yesterday evening when I spotted the movers bringing his belongings in."

Nitya's attention snapped towards her. "His, you say?" Ishika rolled her eyes, responding with a nonchalant "yeah, yeah," as she made her way to the kitchen to contemplate lunch options.

Adjusting her hair and straightening her dress, Nitya suggested, "Well, we should go say hi then!"

Ishika, still occupied in the kitchen, responded with a casual, "Eh, why bother?"

Rolling her eyes once more, Nitya grabbed Ishika by the arm. "Come on, it won't hurt. Besides, we could use some friendly neighbors. Let's welcome him properly!"

With an amused sigh, Ishika relented, allowing Nitya to pull her along as they headed towards the ground floor to greet their new neighbor.

Nitya knocked twice on the door, and after a moment, they heard a distant voice yelling, "Coming!" A few minutes later, the door swung open, revealing a young, handsome man standing on the other side.

"Hi there! We're your neighbors from upstairs," Nitya greeted with a friendly smile.

The man's gaze lingered on the figure standing beside Nitya, captivated by Ishika's presence.

Ishika, in turn, found herself in a momentary freeze, her eyes fixed on him. Shock was plainly evident on her face as she stared at him, and it seemed he was equally unable to look away from her.

Indeed, it had been four long years since they last laid eyes on each other.


Thank you for reading.

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