Chapter fifteen

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Thought it's gonna take at least a week or so to reach 100 votes but you guys beat me to it. Thank you! So how about 150 votes and 20 comments for the next update? Okay.
I know I am being demanding... But I do need your feedback. Whether I am keeping it good or doing worst.

P.S:- Comments motivate a lot as well !!

Happy reading!


Siddhant's POV

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I shout in frustration as I watch her dash away, tears streaming down her face.

It's because of me. I made her cry. How could I?

Sure, she was careless, but it wasn't entirely her fault. She thought it was just a harmless outing. That guy had bad intentions, and she had no clue.

With a heavy sigh, I trudge back to my room and collapse onto the bed. I can't stop replaying the night in my head-how I couldn't sleep a wink after dropping her off. I only managed to catch about an hour & half of sleep in the early morning before she started banging on my door.

My mind was flooded with 'what ifs'.

What if I hadn't tagged along with my coworkers to the club? What if I hadn't needed to use the restroom? What if I hadn't overheard their conversation? Or worse, what if I had chosen to ignore it? What if I hadn't decided to follow him?

So many potential disasters could have unfolded if any of these 'what ifs' had come true. And I can't express enough gratitude that none of them did.

It raised a different level of anger inside me and all I could think of was killing that bastard. I wondered whether the bouncers turned him in to the police or not.

And all of this anger and frustration intensified when I saw her. And that is why I asked her to leave because I knew I wouldn't think before speaking shit when I am angry.

But the ground would swallow her if she listened to me for even once.

I still controlled it. Tried to keep it in. But her three words stirred something in me and I exploded. That is that.

But how could I be so senseless? How could I stoop so low to say such disgusting words?

I know my Karate kid. She's anything but that. She would never do something like that. Even if God himself came and told me she had done it, I wouldn't believe him.

She always said, think a hundred times before speaking, saying words can cut like knives. Even if the wound isn't visible on the outside, only the one who's been hurt knows how deep and painful it truly is.

And my words were like knives. I cast doubt on her character, which is not what a real man does. A true man would never question the character of a woman, or a woman he loves. Yet, I did just that to Ishika, the love of my life, and it's something I deeply regret. So unmanly of me.

But I would go to any extent to earn her forgiveness. I know she is a tough nut to crack, as she should be. I am willing to do whatever it takes to earn her forgiveness.

I can't get that look of hurt on her face out of my head. She looked so shattered. I saw how she was trying to hold back her tears, yet I didn't stop.

I didn't stop until she couldn't hold back her tears anymore. I want to kill myself for making her cry. For being the reason for her tears. God forbid I'll die before ever making her cry and hurting her again.

So, even if I'll have to get on my knees and beg her for forgiveness. I will.

Oh, and I just know where to start from.

I jump out of bed, grab my towel, and dash into the bathroom to go through my morning routine and take a speedy shower.

Once I'm done, I hurry out and throw on a casual black tee and off-white trousers, channeling that Korean men's fashion style Ishika always talks about. She got me hooked on K-dramas, and those guys' fashion sense really rubbed off on me.

Once I'm dressed, I rush to the kitchen, grab a glass, and fill it with orange juice, downing it quickly. After washing the glass, I hurry to the living room and grab my car keys.

But then, I realize I forgot the essentials. I dash back to my bedroom, snatch my wallet and watch, and then hurry out again.

I lock the door, but suddenly, I feel an urge surge through me to run upstairs and see Ishika.

To check whether she is fine or not. And maybe to beg her for forgiveness and tell her how stupid and unmanly it was of me to behave like that with her and how disgusting it was of me to say such cheap words.

But I control myself.

I am gonna do it the right way. She deserves only the best. I will not let her forgive me so easily. Not that she will anyway.

I check the time and god, it's eleven already. I wasted so much time just standing here.

I quickly leave the house, shutting the gate firmly behind me before jumping into my car. I swiftly locate the store where I can get what I need, punching the address into the car's navigation system and starting the engine before setting off.

After getting everything from there, I go to the grocery store. And then while heading back home, I see a plushie store.

I am all alone in my house so.. maybe a few companies might do.

After finally reaching home, I collapsed on the living room couch. It's already past three, so I decided to order some takeout.
No energy to cook man.

The rest of the day, I prepare for tomorrow morning. I did go to the terrace, hoping to find a glimpse of someone. But to my worst luck, I didn't get any.

The next day, I woke up earlier than usual, or perhaps I didn't sleep at all. I quickly completed my morning routine and grabbed the gift I bought for her before rushing out. But as I left, something felt off, like something was missing.

So rather than going upstairs, I walk out. I walked down the road and found exactly what was missing.


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