Chapter two

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Author's POV

The air was heavy with anticipation as Ishika and the young man stood frozen, their eyes locked in a moment of recognition. Memories flooded their minds, reminding them of the love they once shared and the pain that tore them apart. The silence between them was deafening, with unspoken words hanging in the air.

Ishika perched somewhat uncomfortably in his living room, while Nitya, brimming with enthusiasm, explored the surroundings. He gracefully headed to the kitchen to fetch a tray bearing two glasses of water and, settling into a black bean bag, joined them in the living room.

"Thank you!" Nitya expressed her gratitude, taking a sip of water. "By the way, what's your name?"

Clearing his throat, he replied, "Um, Siddhant. Siddhant Joshi."

Nitya, with a playful tone, complimented, "You have such a nice name," causing Siddhant's ears to turn red in what she interpreted as shyness, while Ishika's fist involuntarily clenched.

Turning the conversation, Nitya introduced Ishika, "And this is Ishika Sharma. Usually, she's quite the talker, but with new people, she's a bit on the awkward side, I guess."

"Well, hey there!" Siddhant greeted Ishika, and in response, she softly murmured a 'Hi,' nervously fidgeting with her fingers – a familiar habit that didn't escape his notice. Memories flooded back, recalling how she used to play with her fingers when nervous.

"Some things never change," he thought, a gentle smile gracing his lips.

Just then, Nitya's phone rang, and she gracefully excused herself, citing an important call that demanded her attention, leaving Siddhant and Ishika alone.

An uneasy silence settled in the room as Ishika, avoiding eye contact, looked around, her discomfort palpable. Breaking the stifling quietude, Siddhant finally spoke, "How have you been, karate kid?"

Ishika's gaze met his, her eyes moistening at the nickname he had given her years ago. Controlling her emotions, she replied, "As good as ever. How about you? Why are you here? In Hyderabad."

Rather than answering her questions, Siddhant stood and approached her. Her teary eyes did not escape his notice, intensifying his desire to embrace her. That morning, witnessing her dance, he had restrained himself from rushing in, afraid he might lose control. Now, seeing her sitting there, looking adorable, he couldn't hold back any longer.

Reaching her, he gently took her hand, urging her to stand. The moment she did, he enveloped her in a tight hug. "I missed you so much," he confessed, and tears welled up in Ishika's eyes.

"Why?" she questioned, her voice barely a whisper.

"Chup chap se hug nhi kar sakti!" he exclaimed. "Sawal krna jaruri hai tumhe?"
(Can't you hug quietly! Do you need to ask questions?)

A chuckle escaped her lips as she reciprocated the hug. "I missed you too, Jeet."

Breaking the embrace, he gently wiped away her tears and guided her to sit on the couch, taking a seat beside her.

"Sorry, guys, it took longer than—woah!" Nitya exclaimed as she returned at that exact moment. "What's going on here?" she questioned, eyeing Siddhant's hand holding Ishika's.


"Why are you crying?" Nitya interrupted.

"It's nothing—"

"Did he do something?"


"You...!" Nitya began, her tone sharp.





Nitya shot a sharp glare at Siddhant, who looked a bit taken aback by the unfolding scene before him. Ishika, sensing the tension, intervened.

"Nitya, calm down. Sit," Ishika urged, gesturing towards the bean bag. Once Nitya was seated, Ishika explained, "Sid and I are long-lost friends. We go way back."

As Ishika shared the story of their friendship, Nitya's expressions softened. However, Siddhant, hearing Ishika recount their connection, couldn't help but feel a twinge of hurt. They were not just friends.


Seated in his bedroom, his gaze lingered on the mirror photos of him and Ishika, snapshots frozen in time from years ago before their paths diverged. These captured moments, tucked away in his phone, held a profound significance he chose to keep to himself, despite her persistent requests to share.

Time had passed, and life had unfolded in intricate ways, yet Ishika continued to occupy the core of his heart. Despite the self-assurances that he had moved on, the reality persisted – she remained an indelible part of him.

The revelation of her move to Hyderabad for an MBA, delivered by his elder sister, left a poignant ache. The absence of a personal notification from her added to the pang, though he recognized it wasn't solely her fault. He, too, played a role in cutting the ties that bound them. Though Ishika endeavored to sustain a connection and friendship, the effort proved challenging for him, leading to their eventual distance.

Still, not a solitary day unfolded without his thoughts being drawn to her, a constant presence in his mind since the day their paths diverged.


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