Chapter 1

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Author: "To everyone reading this I have a few things to say.

You may also see this chapter as a sort of prolouge.

1. This is my first time writing a story so I welcome any comment/critism

2. Speech = {{Name}}: "{{Text}}"/ Speech from the one who is leading the pov = "{{Text}}"

Thoughts/Actions = *{{Text from the pov of the one who is leading the pov (obviously)}}*

3. I will read every comment.

Even if I don't answer I will have read it but I will try to answer every comment.

4. Be respectful and treat everyone in the comment section with kindness.

I will not give an answer to any ill meant comments.

Maybe even delete them if I find it necessary so please behave.

5. Please enjoy!

Oh and fox girls are better than cat girls lol


It was a starry night.

No sounds to be heard outside that of crickets gently moving through the night.

Well, except for the fact that there is one more entity moving around the forest at such a late time.

A boy is running away from someone, or rather, something.

The boy, six years old, was small and fragile, yet he didn't even look back once as he ran through the forest.

Why was he running? Well, let's see for ourselves, shall we?

Let's take down the curtain and enjoy another fairy tale.

Maybe it will be one of grief, happiness, or even despair.

Whatever it may be, I am sure that it will turn out to be interesting.

Good luck, Haruki.

*tap* *tap* *tap* *tap*

Gentle yet forceful steps could be heard across the grassy ground.

It was wet and full of filth, yet our boy didn't seem to care.

The sky was dark, with nothing but stars and a blood-red moon shining in the sky.

It was dangerous, yet our boy didn't seem to care.


Did you expect me to leave?

I am the narrator here; I'm not going anywhere!

Just sit down and let me do my thing.

Anyway... Where were we?

Steps...stars... moon...uhm... AH, now I got it!

The boy was apparently running away from something, but from what?

Well, let's turn back the clock a little bit.

To a much brighter scenary (literally) and a much less thick air.

It was a beautiful day outside.

The birds were singing, the flowers were blooming, and on days like these kids like him,

Too much?

Geez, you're no fun!

Ok, I see how it is.

Apparently, I'm not good enough for you.

No, no, that's fine, really.

I will just give you a point of view instead.

A fox weddingUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum