Chapter 2

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If you read this, then thanks for reading the first chapter!

I hope you enjoy this one as well!


Ayame: "Eh?"

*How did it escalate into that?*

*I have to somehow set things right.*

*I step in between Hikari and Ayame.*

"Senpai, this is Hikari, a cosplayer."

Hikari: "I'm a wha-"

*I put my hand in front of her mouth.*

"She is practicing for the next convention."

*I give a half-hearted laugh, expecting an answer.*

Ayame: "It' really late.

Where did you even meet her?"

"We have been good friends since middle school."

*Hikari bites my hand to get it off her mouth.*


"I mean, she is very into her role."

*Ayame looks into my eyes as if to say, "I know you're lying but can't proof it."*

*Ayame lets out a long sigh before laying the plate on the bed.*

Ayame: "I'm assuming she is going to sleep here, huh?

Make sure to keep her in check."


*I put my hand in front of the now-angry woman once more.*

"Will do!"

*With another sigh, Ayame leaves the room.*

"Puh, I somehow made it work."

*Suddenly, I feel a strong force on my hand.*

"N-Not again!"

Hikari: "Don't just shut me up like that!"

"Say, just what is your problem with me?"

*Hikari takes a piece of paper and a pen out of my bag.*

"Hey, who allowed you to just look into my stuff?!"

*Hikari starts to write on the piece of paper.*

Hikari: "Issue number one..."

"Are you seriously going to make a list?!"

Hikari: "Fine, I guess your monkey's brain can't handle constructive criticism.

I will make it simple then."

*Did she just call me a monkey?*

Hikari: "Your eyes are too soft."

*What did she just say?*

"What do you mean, too soft?"

Hikari: "Do I really have to spell it out to you?

You are naive and reckless.

I don't know what you did to me, but our mouths must have touched in order to be considered a kiss.

You kissed an in your eyes normal animal that could've had more illnesses than you have been years alive.

A person who is selfless by nature is beyond saving."

"So your saying I am too nice?

I dissagree..."

A fox weddingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora