Chapter 3

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Author: "Welcome back!

Sorry for the late upload; I was kind of focusing on school.

Not like I am making excuses, though.

I admit that I was also kind of lazy.

We're trying to fix it, so let's see how that goes.

Well, I don't want to drag this part out too much, so let's start the chapter already, shall we?"



Pov: Kurai

???: We have gatherd here to pay respect to a pair of wonderful people...

To some they were parents and to others they were friends..."

*A car crash...*

*That's how they died....*

*That's how mom...and dad died...*

*I hear my uncle making his speech yet my gaze is fixated on the coffin in front of me that was slowly lowerd into the earth.*

*I was shocked and confused...*

*I didn't even think that it was possible for them to die.*

*Somehow my head just couldn't understand that concept.*

*After the funeral, I was in my room, sitting on the bed.*

" you never cry?"

*I still remember that moment*

"Are you not sad that mom and dad died?"

Haruki: ".....It's not that I am not sad..."

"Then what is it?"

*It was that smile and answer that struck me.*

Haruki: "Because I want to remember them with a smile on my face."

*My eyes widened at that response.*

*I admire my big brother.*

*To face everything with a smile...*

*I could never...*

*Without a word, I stand up and leave the room.*

*However, as I was about to close the door, I heard a soft whimper.*


*I peek through the door to see my brother crying in solitude.*

*Did he hold these tears back to be a good example?*

*So not even you can still smile after something like tha-*

*My eyes widen once more as I get a better look at his face.*

*His face was full of tears but what was even more important was the fact that his smile didn't dissapear.*


*I will never forget that sight.*

*To be just a little bit more like him...*



".....Hey Nakamura-san..."

*I stare across the person in front of me.*

*Said person was pretty much my main rival when it comes to Onii-chans affection.*

*I am not going to lose MY brother to some girl but I guess she is also something else...*

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