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Skin to skin.

Touch to touch.

Moves to moves.

Eyes to eyes.

All of those warm and Perfect.

The fact that none of us practised with the other not even touched the other when practising coz he wasn't here.

But still all of it came out perfect.

Everyone clapped so loud with cheers of 'Basketball Team Captain with his girl woowww'

I didn't understand a single word until I met Shein and Tara backstage and they told me about it and my face turned flushed red so I instantly ran to the makeup room to get rid of these clothes.

To say those words would've made me mad, angry, exasperated.

But none.

I was happy.

I never felt this feeling since long and if I got it so I'm clinging on to it and I will for the time being until I get out of my little bubble.

I didn't asked Jungkook where he was but watching him perfectly fine gave me a sense of relieve and I'm glad he is here with the same happy face.

We danced perfectly and I ran back to the makeup rooms for change coz as sexy as this dress is I don't want to wear it and roam around the college in this crowdy fest.

I brought myself a short flowery dress and removed the red lipstick coz flowery dress means minimal makeup and I'm going for it.

I wore my shoes and when I looked up in the mirror oh yes. That's how I imagined myself for fest.

Tara and Shein were waiting for me and I'm going to have so much fun.

And I know it's not just fest, it's the person who finally I saw after three fucking long days.

I know.

I've tried to suppress my feelings towards him but somewhere deep down in my heart he has opened the box that I've kept locked and threw the key of it in the sea.

And he being the mermaid swimmed till the bottom of the sea, found the key and unlocked that little box with his own hands.

I'm smiling.

My heart is beating.

I know I'm hungry still I feel full.

The man who was just an annoying boy in my life has turned into something special when the only sunshine of my life went missing.

They always say you'll realise the importance of one's once they're gone and I agree coz I realise something.. something that only he can give.

Yes I realised.

Something I don't want to name it.

Coz I fear.

I fear a lot.

I'm scared of broken hearts, broken relationships and I'm just a broken girl who didn't fixed herself but started to live her life as it was.

I turned around and opened the door to get out of the makeup room when a girl named Lia -who is my classmate also shares most of her classes with me- stood there like she was waiting for me.

"Hey Ava"

"Oh hey"

She pulled her hand infront of me and when I looked down I found a folded paper on her palm.

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