Day 4 [cooking together]

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Prompt fill: cooking together
Romantic pairing
Niko x Aj

"Have you got the recipe?" Aj asked, tying an apron around his waist.

Niko nodded, putting on his own apron and pointing to the counter. "I printed it out and put it over there, so we don't ruin our phones if we make a mess."

Aj snorted, "How very considerate of you, Nikolas." He moved over to his boyfriend and batted his hands away  from where they were fumbling with the ties. Shaking his head at Niko's horrible tying efforts with a smile, he quickly made a neat bow and moved back, patting Niko's chest. "There you go."

"Thanks, love." Niko grinned, holding Aj by the shoulders and pulling him close before planting a firm kiss on his lips.

At Aj's raised brow, he pointed down on his boyfriend's body, where his apron had the words 'kiss the chef' printed on and smiled self-satisfied, "Only following orders."

Aj shook his head, laughing lightly, and inspected the recipe closely. "This is probably such a bad idea, but how hard can making macarons possibly be?"

"True," his boyfriend agreed, "it's just throwing ingredients into a bowl,  mixing them, and then letting the oven do the rest. We're gonna kill this." He bumped his hip gently into Aj and took Aj's hand, giving it a light shake.

"Let's go then!" Aj squeezed Niko's hand back before reading out what they needed to do first.

"First, we need to whisk sifted almond flour and powdered sugar together and in another bowl beat egg whites with cream of tatar and sugar. Now what the fuck is that?"

Niko shrugged his shoulders and began carrying the eggs from the the fridge over to the counter top. "I don't think it's that important. We only need like a teaspoon or something, I'm sure it won't make a difference if we just skip it."

His boyfriend nodded in agreement and put out two different bowls. Next, he got the powdered sugar, but, "Niko, we don't have almond flour. Is normal flour fine?"

Niko hummed in response, "It's just flour, isn't it?"

Together, they put the flour and powdered sugar in one bowl before pausing again.

Niko looked sheepishly to the side at his boyfriend, "Do you wanna separate the eggs or whisk the flour?"

Aj stared at the given tasks for a moment before stealing a side-glance at Niko as well. "I call dips on the flour because I believe in your ability to separate the eggs."

"I love that you're so supportive, but I wish you wouldn't believe in that." Niko shook his head sadly and began cracking the eggs open. Holding the two sides over the bowl, both parts of the egg slid down.

"Ah, noo, why won't you move the way I intended?" He stared at the egg before adapting to his mistake. "Okay, I'll just crack all the eggs normal and then fish out the yellow parts after."

He set on doing just that, Aj silently snickering in the background. After he had weighted the flour and powdered sugar, he got the electric whisk out and plugged it in.

"I wanna whisk it fast and even, so I'll put it on high." He explained to Niko, who was watching sceptically, and turned the whisk on its highest level before sinking it into the powder.

"No, Aj wait-"

Niko's warning was cut off by a giant flour cloud erupting from the bowl, covering Aj and everything near him in white powder. Aj screamed high pitched, turned the whisk off in a frantic second, and then started coughing from the flour getting into his lungs.

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