Day 13 [rain]

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Prompt fill: rain
Romantic pairing
AJ x Niko

"That's a weird trend," Niko mumbled, scrolling through tiktok, already in bed, waiting for his boyfriend to be done in the bathroom.

"What is?" Aj asked from where he came walking into the room, climbing next to his boyfriend into the bed.

"Going outside when it's raining and dancing around." Niko replied, pulling Aj into his arms and shutting his phone off, dropping it on the nightstand.

Aj hummed contently, snuggling closer. "Sounds like it could be fun. But only in warm summers rain and without filming, I guess. Wouldn't it take away all of the mushy romantic when you're constantly checking a camera?"

Niko pressed a kiss on Aj's forehead, "probably. But is that something you could imagine doing? Even though you'd get completely soaked?"

Aj shrugged, "maybe, yeah. Sounds kinda carefree. And I guess you don't really care about getting rained on when you're with the right person."

Niko tangled their legs together. "You'd go dancing in the rain with me?"

Aj smiled fondly, kissing Niko's lips, "I'd dance with you in a snowstorm." Niko snorted lightly against his lips, "I'm a horror dancer." But Aj only shook his head, nuzzling his face in between his boyfriends shoulder and neck sleepily. "Don't care. It's you, innit."


That conversation had been three weeks ago, and Niko just couldn't stop thinking about it every time it started raining. But for some reason, actually asking Aj to come out with him in the rain wasn't as easy as he thought it would be.

He knew Aj would literally do anything he asked, but dancing in the rain had to happen spontaneously. There just wasn't anything romantic about leaving the couch to get rained on and then going back inside.

So he began planning. What Niko needed was a situation where they were already outside, so when it would begin to rain, they couldn't immediately go somewhere dry, and dancing in the rain would seem like the only logical option.

The problem with this was that Niko didn't actually know any situations like that.

He had tried staying behind on set after shooting a video, but somehow that was the only day in the week where it hadn't rained in London and they had been exhausted after filming and just wanted to eat and then sleep.

The next time, he thought about something a bit more drastic. In theory, should they drive somewhere and the car wouldn't work properly on the way back and it started to rain, that could work. In theory.

In practice, however, the car not working was kinda scary, more so because Niko couldn't remember what wire he had cut through to get to this stage and also because apparently he had the best and most helpful friends who immediately offered them a ride.

That kinda sucked and he hadn't even been able to let Aj comfort him because that required telling him his plan, and he wanted it to be a romantic surprise.

The car plan also got a bit out of hand when Chunkz found out that a wire had been cut and urged Niko to go to the police. What followed had been a severely uncomfortable conversation, which involved a lot of embarrassment on Niko's part and a lot of disbelieving headshaking on Chunkz's. It ended with a very judgemental eyebrow raise and the miserably mumbled one-liner of "it will make him smile".

But then, during movie night, he had the perfect idea. Someone on screen had made a joke about accidentally locking themselves out of their house, and a light bulb lit up in Niko's brain. Shortly, he caught Chunkz gaze, who was shaking his head minimally, but it was too late. The plan was already formed. 

The next time they went out and the weather forecast had announced that it would rain, he sneakily took the house keys out of Aj's bag and left his own on the kitchen table. Phase one of his plan was complete.

Now, he only had to wait until it was time to go home.

When it started to rain softly about halfway through the shoot, he almost couldn't contain his excitement. That was the perfect rain to dance in, and he was so hyped up about it that he didn't even care about the suspicious looks he received from Chunkz.

As soon as the shoot ended, he put his arm around Aj's waist and pulled him softly but firmly in the direction of their car.

"Niko, we haven't even said goodbye to everyone!" Aj laughed as he was dragged to the exit by his boyfriend.

Niko grinned broadly, "it's calm, I just really wanna get home. We'll see them again."

Aj was a bit confused about the rush but allowed his boyfriend to press a kiss against his temple before driving home. The soft pitter patter of the rain against the car roof was calming, and Aj carefully reached his hand out to thread his and Niko's fingers together.

Arriving at their house, Niko squeezed Aj's hand before they got out of the car and walked up to their front door. Faking a very mild panic, Niko pretended to check his pockets, looking at Aj seemingly distressed, "shit, I think I forgot my keys!"

Aj quickly checked his own pockets and groaned, "damn it, mine are also not here! I never take them out of the bag, why are they gone!" He stepped a bit closer to Niko and underneath the porch as to avoid getting wet.

Niko rubbed over his back and took out his phone. "Let me call Chunkz okay? He has a spare key."

Aj nodded and sat down on the stairs, while Niko leaned back against the door, not being able to hide his smile.

Chunkz answered after the second ring, having already clocked what was going on. "I'll be there in 5."

Niko pulled a face and talked over him, as to not rouse suspicions from his boyfriend. "Aj and I have accidentally locked ourselves out, could you bring the spare key?"

"Accidentally my arse. I'll be there in 5 minutes, lover boy."

Niko quickly added, "can you be here in 15?"

"I only need 5 though." Chunkz replied.

"Yeah", Niko rolled his eyes, "but can you be here in 15?"

The line was silent for a moment before, "oh my- fine, fine I'll be there in 15. Y'all better be dressed when I get there."

Niko grinned and called out a "bye, see you in 15 minutes, love you!" before hanging up.

Aj looked up at him, "what're we gonna do for fifteen minutes outside in the rain?"

Niko walked around his boyfriend on the stairs and held out a hand. "I don't know about you, but I could dance?"

Aj took the offered hand and let himself be pulled up. Surprised he traced Niko's smile with his thumb. "I thought you forgot about that."

Niko leaned down and captured his boyfriends lips in a kiss. "Never", he whispered against Aj's mouth.

The rain fell in heavy drops around them and they could feel their clothing getting soaked. But as they slowdanced to the sound of leaves moving in the wind, nothing felt more perfect.

The water ran down Aj's face as he tilted his head up for another kiss. Their lips met, over and over again, and the love in Niko's eyes made his breath catch for just a second.

This was perfect, Aj decided and smiled into the next kiss as he thought about the leave-out key under the doormat he conveniently forgot to mention.

~the end

[1268 words]

[Sneaky boyfriends. Also rip to chunkz who has to put up with them. My condolences. This was pretty quick to write so the writing probably makes no sense but oh well.]

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