Day 14 [making up]

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Prompt fill: making up
Romantic pairing
AJ x Niko

The lights were dimmed, and the cutlery on the coffee table was placed neatly, a folded napkin on each plate.

Niko led Aj into the room and gestured for him to take a seat on the couch. He put down a vase with a bouquet of roses inside down on the table. Aj raised an eyebrow.

Niko smiled sheepishly. "I ordered us some food?"

Aj raised his eyebrow higher.

"Aj, love, I'm really sorry about it. It was just supposed to be a joke." Niko tried to apologise.

Aj looked at him for another second, "it did beg the question: do you even love me, Nikolas?" He shook his head sadly. "How could you see me standing there and think that is a good idea?"

Niko stroked over his hand. "I know, I know, I shouldn't have, and I'm sorry. Can you forgive me just this once?" 

That was a good question, Aj had to admit that. Could he? He wasn't so sure. After all, this time, Niko's offence hadn't been unforgivable, but just giving in might give him ideas, and then he'll stop putting efforts into his apologies.

And those were still needed. Aj wasn't just letting that disrespectful behaviour run. So he sighed and met Niko's eyes.

"Do you think take out food and candlelight vibes are gonna be enough to fix that? After the way you acted?"

Niko smiled at that, taking a seat next to his boyfriend and bringing his hand to his mouth to press a kiss on the soft skin.

"It's not," he nodded, "but it could be a start?" He traced circled into Aj's wrists. "I'll run us a bath after we eat and watch a movie? Your pick."

Aj pondered a bit over the offer, but ultimately, the need to cuddle with his boyfriend won. "Fine. But you're not off the hook just yet."

Niko smiled adoringly and brought over the remote for Aj to pick a movie. In perfect timing, the doorbell rang, and Niko quickly went to open the door to get the delivered food.

He had ordered them burgers and fries not only because Aj loved them but also because he really was sorry and wanted to sincerely make up for what he did.

Walking back into the living room with the food, he couldn't help but smile softly when Aj's eyes lit up upon recognising the packaging of the takeout food.

"You got me burgers!" He cheered before remembering that he was supposed to be mad and backpedalled.
"I mean, you got us burgers." He said in a cool tone. "I guess that's an adequate start."

Niko snorted at Aj's slip up and took a seat next to him. He put down the food on the table and leaned closer to his boyfriend.

Carefully caressing his face, he tilted Aj's head up a bit to press a kiss to his lips. He ran his fingers through Aj's hair, gripping the back of his neck with one hand and moving the other one down along his torso to gently squeeze his boyfriends waist.

Aj sighed into the kiss and brought his hands up, grasping Niko's shirt in his fists. Niko pulled Aj into his lap, moving the hair out of his face and began peppering kisses everywhere he could reach. Aj laughed quietly and pulled his head back after a while.

Niko traced soft patterns into his boyfriends back, leaning his forehead against Aj's and kissing the top of his nose gently.

"I'm really sorry for not giving you any kisses earlier when you demanded them." He murmerd into the room.

Aj poked him in his stomach. "Nicely asked."

Niko nodded and squeezed Aj's body a bit closer. "When you nicely asked for them."

Aj adjusted himself on his lovers lap, snuggling deeper into the embrace. "You're forgiven." Niko placed a tender kiss on the crown of his head and reached for the box with the fries. "Thank you, love."

He brought the box closer, and when Aj made no move to get up, placed it next to them on the couch. Holding his boyfriend in place with one arm around his back, he started feeding him some of the fries.

Every few bites, Aj would snap playfully at Niko's fingers as if trying to catch them between his teeth. Niko pulled his hand away each time, grinning fondly and pecking his cheek.

For a while, they were completely absorbed in their own little world. Niko couldn't remember a time when he had been this carefree and happy, but then again, this was how he mostly felt around Aj. He loved how dramatic his boyfriend could be and how big his heart was.

There wasn't a time when Niko had felt insecure about the love shared in their relationship. He knew that Aj sometimes struggled with touch and bodily affection, so when it came to them actually dating, he had been a bit cautious, not wanting to push too hard.

His thoughts had proven to be the complete opposite, as Aj became even more clingy than he was sometimes, even though they were basically joined at the hip already.

Niko wouldn't trade that version of his boyfriend for anything though, and had promised himself to never deny Aj any kind of touch or affection.

He really needed to remind himself that that rule also applied when he had eaten sushi before wanting to kiss Aj and his mouth probably still tasted like fish, because no amount of trying to be considerate would ever be enough to deal with the rejected puppy eyes and the pout his boyfriend had been sporting the whole rest of the day.

Leaning forward, Aj got their burgers from the coffee table and scooted next to Niko to eat his. "Niko?" Aj asked, muffled from the burger in his mouth.

"Yeah?" Niko answered before taking a bite out of his burger as well. Aj swallowed and smacked a kiss on Niko's cheek. "I wasn't really mad at you, I just tricked you so you'd cuddle me."

He held meaningful eyecontact, "You just believed me cuz I'm a great actor." Niko bit his lip and hid his smile in Aj's neck. "Yeah baby, the best."

~the end

[1052 words]

[Good soup. Idc what anyone says ajs clingy with niko. Everywhere and at all times. Sush I'm right & u know it. Its valentines day and in my head niko and aj are on a date right about now.]

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