Chapter Two

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"Where have you been?" Lashay asks me as I walk up to her at the food court.

I took way longer than expected because of the hoodoo lady Mrs.Nishi

"Oh- uh, I got lost" I lie not wanting to explain something that I don't even understand.

"Let's go so I can make it home on time" I say changing the subject.


Walking into the house I see my mom sitting on the living room couch with her fiancé Mr. Anthony.


"Hi" I speak making my presence known.

My mom immediately stands up "Where have you been?"

"At the mall" I say in a duh tone.

"It's 7pm, I told you to be back at 6" My mom squints her eyes at me.

"Give the girl some grace, it's her birthday" Mr. Anthony says coming to my defense while rubbing his bald head.

My mom immediately backs off "Go to your room"

I quickly walk to my room.

I'm so tired of being treated like a baby, I'm almost eighteen.

I close my room door and plop down on my bed allowing my shopping bags to fall to the floor.

I take a deep breath before sitting up.

I immediately begin searching through my shopping bags as I remember the book Mrs.Nishi gave me titled "Spiritual hoodoo". She told me she hand wrote this sacred book herself.

I was hesitant to take it at first but I felt like I needed to. I was drawn to her booth for a reason..

During my reading she told me that I'm not happy with my life, that spirit says it's time for me to have my spiritual awakening and realize who I am. She says I'm special like her.

Whatever that means.

She also said that I should expect to find my true love this upcoming week which made me laugh out loud.

"You better be in bed" My mom says outside of my room door causing me to jump, dropping the book.

"I am" I lie while quickly picking up the book and hiding it in my dirty clothes basket.

My mom never goes in there.


"Amazing service today pastor" My mom says to pastor Michael.

Service just ended.

"Thank you sister Valerie" Pastor Michael says to my mom as they shake hands.

I walk away, leaving the church to go wait by the car because my mom always talks for hours after service.

When I walk outside the bright sun hits my face causing me to squint a little before my eyes adjust to the light.

I get to my mom's Honda, sitting on the hood of the car.

I hear a commotion and I look in the direction of the noise across the street.

I see a black Audi truck kind of like the one that sped past the bus stop yesterday..

"Lower your voice before I shoot you in the throat. I ain't trying to do all this in front of no church but nigga 'bout my money I'm gone take it there" a deep voice speaks.

I can't see much because the truck is blocking my view..

"I swear I'm gone have your money man just give me another week" a different voice begs.

"You said that two weeks ago and I ain't seen you since" The first voice speaks again angrily.

"Man please-"


I gasp at the sound of a gunshot before covering my mouth and looking around.

No one saw this but me...

Seconds later a heavy set dude with a beard and curly hair comes from behind the car. He's wearing a big diamond chain and he's covered in splashes of blood..

We make eye contact for a few seconds causing me to freeze.

He gets into his Audi, speeding away.

I look back across the street and there it is laying on the ground... a dead body....


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