Chapter Nine

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After an hour of driving, Fats pulls up to his house.

I'm confused on how he got to me in thirty minutes.. He must've been driving super fast.

"Your house is nice" I tell Fats as we exit the car.

It's brown colored and two stories, very big.

"Thank you" Fats unlocks the front door.

We enter his house..

I look around in awe at the grey & charcoal color coordinated designs.

"Did you decorate?" I ask Fats.

He shakes his head "My mom did before she passed away"

I furrow my eyebrows in sadness "I'm sorry for your loss. She had amazing taste"

"Thank you" He nods.

There's a moment of silence as we make it into his living room.

Fats walks away going into the kitchen..

He comes back out with one of those ice cube bins that are usually in freezers.

"Come on" Fats walks up the stairs.

I follow in pain on the way up..

He walks me into the bathroom & begins running warm water.

After the tub is about half way full he dumps the ice cubes in and tells me to get in..

"That'll help soothe your bruises. I'll give you some pain pills when you get out" Fats tells me.

"Okay" I reply slowly undressing.

He leaves the bathroom shutting the door behind him..

I get into the icy but warm bath.

"Ouch" I wince as the water & ice touches my body.

After a few seconds the pain eases and I'm able to relax..

The bathroom door opens causing me to jump a little bit.

Fats sticks his arm in, sitting a pair of boxers and a big white tee shirt on the counter.

"We'll go get you some new clothes tomorrow". He tells me from behind the door.

"Okay" I reply.

He closes the door..


I walk out of the bathroom dressed in the clothes Fats gave me.

"You done?" Fats comes out of nowhere causing me to jump in fear.

He chuckles "I ain't mean to scare you baby"


I blush "It's fine"

"You can sleep in that room right there" Fats points.

I walk into the room and he follows.

The room is decorated for a female with Good Vibes Only in big pink and blue letters on the wall next to the queen sized bed.

"I put two ibuprofens and a glass of water on the dresser for you, that should help with your pain. Goodnight" Fats speaks before exiting the room.

He shuts the door behind him..

I use my phone to FaceTime Lashay.

"Girl I was so worried about" Lashay answers the phone with squinted eyes.

I'm assuming because she just woke up.

"I'm fine" I speak, trying not to think about what happened.

"Where are you?" Lashay questions looking at my background "That's a pretty room"

"I'm with Fats, don't tell anyone" I beg.

"I won't" Lashay promises.

Someone opens her room door and she puts her phone down causing her screen to go black but I can still hear what's going on.

"Have you heard from Autumn?" Aunt Loretta asks Lashay.

"Nope" Lashay lies.

"Valerie is looking all over for her, she must've ran away" Aunt Loretta says.

"Well I don't blame her, auntie Val beat her like she was a slave" Lashay defends me.

"I know, now she crying talking about her baby missing" Aunt Loretta dry laughs "I'll tell her you haven't heard from Autumn"

I hear the door shut then Lashays face comes back into view..

"Text me and I'll call you in a few hours when I leave for school. I don't want my mom to hear us talking and tell aunt Val" Lashay whispers.

"Okay, I love you" I tell her.

"I love you more" Lashay ends the call.

I sit my phone down with a sigh.

I take the two ibuprofens on the dresser and drink half the glass of water before laying down.

I slowly drift off to sleep..


The witch Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ