Chapter Eight

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"So you doing witch craft now?" My mom asks again, holding the book up.

I forgot to hide it after I washed my clothes..

I begin to stutter.. unable to get any words out I stop talking.

"I don't know what devil done jumped into you but I know that you know better than to bring a book like this into the house of the lord!" My mom raises her voice causing me to jump.

I stand, frozen in fear.

"Get to your fucking room" She yells throwing the book to the ground.

I run to my room with Lashay on my trail.

"I rebuke this devil in the name of Jesus" I hear my mom yell while stomping on the book repeatedly.

I close my room door, locking it.

"Girl what the fuck?" Lashay asks confused about what's going on.

"I got that book from a lady in the mall" I tell Lashay briefly.

"A lady in the mall?" Lashay furrows her eyebrows.

The knob on my room door jiggles..

"I know you didn't lock this door" My mom bangs so hard it seems like the door will break.

"Open the door" Lashay urges.

I open the door and my mom walks in holding a belt.

"You about to know how Jesus felt on that cross" My mom threatens.

She begins beating me with the belt.

"Oh my goodness!" Lashay yells like she's the one being hit..

"Mama please!" I cry in pain as she whips me harder and harder all over my body and face.

"Stop it before you kill her" Lashay screams.

My mom ignores her continuing to beat me like a slave that tried to run away..

"I rebuke you in the name of Jesus!" My mom yells with every hit. "Get out of my daughter demon!"

Lashay runs out of the room and disappears..

I black out.


I wake up from what feels like a nap and my whole body aches.

I attempt to move and I grunt in pain.

It hurts so bad...

I finally sit up and I look around my dark room blinking rapidly.

I swallow my spit attempting to moisturize my dry mouth.

Standing to my feet, I limp with every step.

I make it to my bathroom turning the light on, I squint giving my eyes time to adjust to the light and I cry at what I see in the mirror...

My face and body has belt marks & bruises all over.. My right eye is black and damn near shut.

I slowly leave the bathroom walking back into my room and turning the room light on.

I find my backpack and open it, reaching inside I grab my iPhone.

I have over a hundred missed calls and twenty five texts from Lashay..

Ignoring her messages I go to my contacts calling Fats.

He answers on the second ring "Hello"

I don't say anything..

"Hello, baby girl?" Fats speaks again.

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