Chapter 6

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Damn Idol Episode 6

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I believe in the power of music.

That's why I believe that good music is sure to succeed.

To be honest, this is not a matter of believing or not believing.

It must be so.

Otherwise, wouldn't my long return be a meaningless wandering relying on luck?

So I spent a lot of time honing my songwriting skills, and now I think I've perfected them.

I'm not saying that every song I write is a hit.

This means that there is no one who can express the music I imagine better than me.

But what I was imagining now wasn't any melody or sound.

They were friends.

First of all, GOTM's drummer.

Andrew Gunn.

I played the drums, remembering Andrew Gunn's usual self.


Andrew is serious and sincere, but he likes funky music.

While most drummers like the sound of kick drums or snare drums, this guy was a unique guy who liked hi-hats.

Moreover, his sense of rhythm was excellent.

When I was playing with the Ghost Note and a thunderous sound suddenly erupted, I was in a state of ecstasy.

The drum line in <The Hunters> I tried to replicate Andrew Gunn's feel.

However, since I can't play the drums, I filmed it with a virtual instrument.


The electric guitar was played by guitarist Dave Logan himself.

What should I say about this guy, a friendly pessimist?

His head is full of all kinds of negative thoughts, but he is kind when it comes to relationships between people.

Even though people all over the world are talking about us becoming Grammy winners, the awards have already been decided and people are wondering how many awards we will win.......

'We won't get it. We're not the traditional bands that the Grammys like.'

He was a guy who had resigned himself to the idea that he would never win the award on his own.

Dave's guitar is loud.

Even though the guitar is the most prominent instrument in the band, I've never seen a guy stand out as loudly as Dave.

You're a pessimist.

To correct his bad habit, I once gave him a second guitar to scratch the chords, and he had fun scratching the chords while even doing air swings.

Such a fool.

However, that is why he was a player who was really suited to the guitar, which is called a six-string orchestra.

Next, it contained the feelings of a bassist and keyboardist.

There was nothing particularly difficult.

What was surprising was that when I started composing I thought it would be a funky song, but when I actually started making it, it turned out to be a rhythmic song.

I think the public might call it funky because it has a rhythmic feel centered around electronic sounds.

However, when considering the intention of composition, funkiness and rhythm are as different as heaven and earth.

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