Chapter 70

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Damn Idol Episode 70

"It was fun."

"Episode 3 progressed quickly."

"If they drag it out any longer, wouldn't the program's concept of team battle becomes blurred?"

As soon as episode 3 ended, I nodded to what the members said.

As the team members said, the concept of Coming Up Next Episode 3 was a sense of speed.

Unlike episodes 1 and 2, there was a lot of development-wise content, and there was no focus on a single song.

It was extremely plain in some parts, but it looks like they are planning to release the full video on M Show's YouTube channel.

[Hey, I saw the broadcast. But why is my portion so small?]

[And what are you doing now? While arranging Players, I had a question.]

[Ah, there is another story.]

As I was watching the broadcast, I receive a message from Eddie.

He was looking at the broadcast even though there were no real-time English subtitles, I guess he was harassing the simultaneous interpreter again.

I don't know why he does that.

I would understand if I were a rising star on Billboard, but I'm still just a K-pop wannabe.

For reference, Players is the English title of <Players>, which was entrusted to Eddie.

I chewed Eddie's text message and thought about episode 3.

The broadcast, which started with a meeting with Eddie, returned to the B team selection match.

And the cover mission stages of <Losing Team> and <Winning Team> were presented neatly without any drag.

However, Black Star's <Buster Call>, sung by the losing team, was edited out to within 2 minutes, and NOP's <BOY SCOUT> was broadcast in its full version.

Because the stage was good.

However, because my performance was intentionally hidden, there were quite a few stories about it on the Internet.

-I thought Team Han Sion would not do well on stage lol. When preparing the song, he pretended to be an idol given by God.

-ㅇㅈㅋ It was a bit disgusting when he was giving advice to the kids.

-?? I like the winning team's performance, but why is their reaction like this?

- Lately, there has been some anti-Han Sion on the idol world. They say he's showing off.

-ㄴㄴ Produce member kids is a contagious disease lol. You know that when he debuts, it'll get a lot of comparison.

-Eh? Isn't Han Sion not at the level compared to regular Produce members? Chris Edwards said he was a genius on this side, and that side was just working hard haha.

-It's because of things like you that I don't want to see Han Si-on; I can see that it's going to be used as an underrated material.

-Isn't Han Sion not underrated, but originally beneath (A position lower than the standard)...?

-Damn, it's good haha.

-But isn't the stage itself good? This grandmother looked at it with a smile.

-ㅇㅇChoi Jae-seong was cute. The furry head looks exactly like my dog ​​haha.

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