Chapter 14

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Damn Idol Episode 14

Drop Out's leader, Shido, looked around at the members and opened his mouth.

"How will we do it."

Honestly, if it wasn't for NOP, they wouldn't have even listened to it.

The context is quite long, but to sum it up, BVB's A&R team leader was hoping that Drop Out would reject the song.

The composer insisted on playing it, but he asked for a concession, saying he wanted to use it as the title song for NOP.

This was Team Leader Seo Seung-hyeon's trick to target the feeling of stomachache when a cousin buys land.

And Drop Out, caught in the trick, fell into agony.

"<Selfish>, if we don't use it, NOP will use it. NOP is on the rise these days......."

"Rather than that, don't you want to sing it?"

"How about a double title?"

"It's worth considering."

"I heard the composer said he didn't like the included song, right?"

"He is very confident."

"Honestly, the song is good. It's too wasteful to just use it as a b-side song."

Drop Out talked about Selfish several times, but at some point they had no choice but to admit it.

The worries never end.

But this meant that Selfish was a better song.

Because of the jinx, no matter how much extra points were given to self-produced songs, the scales did not tip.

In the end, the leader made the decision first.

"Selfish, let's sing it as our exclusive title song."


"If you think about it, the reason we insist on self-producing....... It's because we want to do well."


"But if a better song comes out than what we made, we should choose that. The relationship between the two cannot change."

The members slowly nodded at the words of leader Shido, who had the most stake in producing the song.

After making the decision, their heads became clearer and they were able to look at the song more objectively.

This is a really good song.

If you arrange it well, it can be successful on Billboard as well.

"But what was the composer's name?"


"If it's Z, I, O, N, doesn't that mean it reads Jai-on?"

"It's not important, right? First, let's set up a meeting at the company. We have to decide whether to use guide vocals or just the instrument."

"The sound quality sucks, but the guide was really good, right?"

Perhaps because they received such good songs, Drop Out's comeback was coming earlier than their original history.

*     *      *

During my break, I did some research on PD Kang Seok-woo.

I didn't know much about the Korean broadcasting industry, so I was worried that I wouldn't be able to interpret the information... ... .

What is this?

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