Chapter 6

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A/N : This chapter/part will have smut. Or what I qualify as smut. This is my first time writing it as well so please bare with me.

About an hour after dinner, I asked Charles if he could teach me to play the piano, well at least a few notes. I mean everyone knows that you can't learn how to play the piano in one night. He gladly agreed, he took my hand and we both sat at my piano. He was so sweet, the way he would put his hands on mine. The way he would guide my hands to each key on the piano. The way he would caress the top of my hands as he whispered what to do.... It was captivating and so.... I can't just describe it in words. After Charles showed me what to do for a few minor notes he whispered in my ear something so enchanting, something that sent chills up and down my spine. I mean I was ready to leap into his arms so fast.

" Now that's a good girl."

When I heard those words I blushed like giddy girl with cherries smeared all over my face. I turned to face him. I looked into his eyes and then... right then and there I knew that I wanted to be with him completely. How could I not? I was going to marry this man. I was going to profess my undying love to him in front of my world. In front of my friends and family. I was ready to be his. All I needed was the courage to do it. So I prayed for confidence and then I just went for it.

I made the first move and kissed him. When I kissed him I could tell that he wanted it just as much as me. He looked at me with that astonishing smile, he pulled me closer and held me as he kissed me so passionately. The way his hands held my face. The way he would caress my face with his thumbs. His body practically one together with mine. We kissed for what was only a few moments but felt so breathtaking. Felt as if it were forever.

It took my breath away. It was so.. So , just wow ! We went to the bedroom continuing our spontaneous passionate kisses. After a few more moments of intense and heated smooching he finally looked at me and asked a simple question.

" Do you want me to stop?"

I looked at Charles and I knew that I didn't want him to stop. I was ready for him, I was ready to make love to the man that I am in love with.

" Never."

Charles gives me a soft look. " I'm ready to be with you completely." Charles smiled. Charles grabbed me and embraced me. He made me feel so loved. He took small gentle steps. He asked me if I was okay and If I was truly ready. I was I didn't care what anyone said at that moment.

" Are you sure that you're ready Jane-anne?"

" Yes. " " I am completely and utterly ready to be with you now and forever."


Charles smiled and then kissed me. He kissed me slowly and the began to take my clothes off. He first removed my blouse, then my bralette. My skirt, my pantyhose, sliding it off slowly and sensually one leg at a time. He hovered over me while running his fingers up and down my arm while he goes to unhook my bra from the back while he kisses me. He stands up to remove his clothing as well.

He begins to pepper kisses up and down my jaw and neck. He starts to go lower and lower until his mouth is hovering over my heat. He looks back up at me seeking conformation from me. I look down at him and nod while smiling at him. Once he gets his assurance he licks one lop lap on my heat, through my folds until he reaches that spot of a bundle of nerves. When I felt that sensation I immediately let out a small gasp. The feeling was so.. It was something that I have never felt before. It was absolutely astonishing. I knew right then and there that I wanted more.

He begins to lick more and more and then he focus on that spot. Oh it was glorious. He sucks and licked and kissed it so much. In those moments It so.. I can't even explain it in words. It was as if I was floating on air. I began moaning like no other. I've never really moaned at all before and when I heard that sound come out of my own mouth my eyes shot wide open. I got kinda embarrassed and put my hand over my mouth, but then what he said next..

" Don't cover mouth beautiful, I want to hear how amazing you sound while I please you." " While I pleasure the woman I love."

I removed my hand and he began to lick and suck and kiss me all over again. Oh it was magnificent. I began to see stars, I began to shake , my legs began to tremble and I tried the only thing I could think of at the moment. I tried closing my legs and he held down my thighs open while he continued to eat me as if he was a man starved for months. I began to feel a new sensation I've never felt in my stomach. It was like a balloon blowing up bigger and bigger. It felt like I was going to explode. And, Charles could tell.

" Let it out baby, let go, come for me." He said.

So I did what he said and it was mind blowing. I let out a scream mixed with a moan. I felt like I was alive for the first time in my life, In ever. He then smiled and climbed back up to me and kissed me with so much passion. I tasted myself on his mouth and it was a new excitement for me. I thought that I wouldn't like it but I absolutely loved it. He lined himself up at my center and looked at me with another look of conformation. He asked me,

" Are you sure? Are you absolutely positive Jane-anne?" " If you're not sure then you need to let me know now and we could stop, I won't be mad darling."

I replied with, " Yes." " I am one hundred percent sure that I want this, Please my love."

He smiled his alluring smile and then said, " It'll hurt at first love, but I'll be gentle." " I promise."

I smiled and said, " I trust you."

He then began to slide in slowly. I let out another gasp and felt this pain like fire shooting up my body, but then it turned into a dull pain. He moved in some more until he filled me to the hilt. I let out some more gasps trying to catch my breath. He looked at me with worrisome and told me to breathe. So I did. After a much needed breath I began to feel pleasure rather than pain. I told him to move. He complied and supplied me long slow thrusts I moaned out some more. The feeling was indescribable. I told him to move faster and he did. When he did that the feeling then changed to a euphoric kind of sensation. I let out so many moans and I just was on cloud 9. After several more thrusts and entrancing love-making I felt that balloon again. Blowing up bigger and bigger again. I was ready to let go again. I could feel myself clenching around his enormous girth. He smiled and told me to let go again...

So I did, and it was beyond perfect. It was pure bliss. Charles soon followed behind me after a few more sloppy thrusts. He held me in his arms never letting go. We were intertwined with one another for hours. He made sure I felt no pain. That everything felt good. He kissed my shoulder and over and over and told me how much he loved me.


When I was a little girl my mother and father would tell me how bad it was. I was told by my mother how much it would hurt me, how much I would not forgive myself If I didn't save myself for marriage. But I loved this man, her little notes and in my head about how I'd be damned and shamed if I gave it away to someone who wasn't my husband. But again I loved this man, I was ready to give myself completely to him. We were getting married after all, I was going to spend the rest of my life with him. He was my soulmate. He was my other half.

Charles was so gentle with me, he would make sure that I was comfortable, would caress my body as we enfolded into each other 's body's . I do admit I was scared and a little intimidated. Afraid I wouldn't be good or that I would chicken out and he would be upset about it. But, The feeling of my first time... I was so enraptured, the feeling of bliss as if I was water flowing down a golden river in the sky. It was as if Aphrodite herself blessed my night with this beautiful man. I had never felt so at ease with my own body till now.

For the first time ever my body and soul were one. Our love making was so erotic ,and sensual. So, vigorous with a feverish undertone. My hot-blooded aroused flower was sizzling, wanting him to give me pleasure with his tumescent manhood. Our Special night was amorous. We made love twice then we just went at each other like wild dogs. The way we behaved was so... If anyone had seen what we did ? They'd think we were having a sultry torrid love affair! We were so bad! So.... lustful.

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