22. Khushi in RM 🏘

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Khushi entered the elegance of Raizada Mansion, where Arnav and Akash extended warm welcomes. Manorma, with her vibrant enthusiasm, embraced Khushi with excitement.

Manorma: Khushi, my dear, welcome to our humble abode! We've been eagerly waiting for this auspicious day.

Akash: (smirking) Maa, give her a moment to settle in.

Manorma: (ignoring Akash) Come, let me show you around.

As they stepped into the lavish living room, Anjali's eyes scrutinized Khushi, searching for any perceived threat to her control over the family.

Anjali: (smiling) Khushi, it's wonderful to have you here. Arnav speaks quite highly of you.

Khushi: (grateful) Thank you, Anjaliji. It's a privilege to be a part of your family.

Anjali, with her hidden motives, decided to inquire further.

Anjali: (curious) Khushi, what are your aspirations and plans for the future?

Khushi: (confidently) I work in AR Designs under Arnav as his P.A. and a Designer.

Anjali, sensing an opportunity, continued probing.

Anjali: (probing) And how do you plan to balance your personal and professional life?

Khushi: (smiling) I believe in taking one step at a time, cherishing each moment as it comes.

Meanwhile, Nani, who was partial towards Anjali, approached her to ensure everything went according to Anjali's desires.

Nani: Anjali, beta, I hope everything is going well.

Anjali: Yes Nani, everything is okay. I am just trying to know Khushi.

As the conversation unfolded, a verbal tussle erupted between Khushi and Anjali, fueled by Anjali's selfish motives and Khushi's determination to remain true to herself.

The atmosphere in Raizada Mansion remained tense as Anjali's hidden motives took a sharp turn. During their confrontation, Anjali, fueled by her selfish desires, resorted to insulting Khushi.

Anjali: (sarcastically) Arnav, are you sure about her? She seems like the type who's after your wealth.

Khushi, maintaining her composure, remained silent, not wanting to escalate the situation further.

Anjali: (mocking) Gold digger, isn't it? I thought you had better taste.

Khushi's eyes welled up with tears, but she held back her emotions, not wanting to give Anjali the satisfaction.

Arnav, witnessing Khushi's distress, couldn't tolerate the insult. He stepped forward, his tone dangerously firm.

Arnav: (protective) Di, that's enough. Khushi is not here for wealth; she's here because she's my love and will be the daughter-in-law of this family.

Anjali: (defiant) Arnav, I'm just looking out for the family's well-being.

Arnav: (warning) There's a way to express concern without demeaning someone. Mind your words.

Mami, disapproving of Anjali's behavior, also reprimanded her.

Mami: (scolding) Anjali, this is unacceptable. You can't treat guests like this.

Nani, attempting to diffuse the situation, intervened.

Nani: (calmly) Arnav, Anjali was just expressing her concerns. Let's not make a mountain out of a molehill.

Arnav, however, was adamant about defending Khushi.

Arnav: (defying) Nani, it doesn't matter what you decide. I have decided Khushi is the one I'll marry.

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