27. Ominous Parcel

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As the evening sun cast a warm glow over the Raizada Mansion, a parcel arrived, its contents shrouded in mystery. Hariprakash, the loyal servant, swiftly delivered it into the waiting hands of Mami, who was seated with Nani and Mama in the living room.

Mami: (eyeing the parcel curiously) What could this be, I wonder?

Nani: (intrigued) It's addressed to ASR and the Raizada family. Open it, Manorama.

With cautious fingers, Mami untied the strings and lifted the lid, revealing a stack of photographs nestled within. As she peered closer, her eyes widened in shock, her hand trembling as she sifted through the images.

Mama: (leaning in to get a glimpse) Manorama, what is it?

Mami: (stunned) It's... it's photographs of Khushi! But... these... these are indecent! How could this happen?

Just then, Anjali and Shyam, wearing masks of innocence, entered the room, their eyes feigning curiosity.

Anjali: (feigning surprise) What's going on, Mami? What's in the parcel?

Mami: (shocked) Anjali, Shyam, you won't believe it. These... these photographs, they're of Khushi! But they're... they're not right.

Anjali's eyes gleamed with malicious delight as she snatched the photographs from Mami's trembling hands, her voice dripping with melodrama.

Anjali: (dramatically) Oh, no! This is terrible! How could Khushi do this? Poor Arnav must be devastated.

Shyam: (feigning concern) I never thought Khushi could do this. How will we tell Sale Saheb?

Nani: (shaking her head in disbelief) Hey Devi Maiyaa! This is disgraceful.

Mami and Mama exchanged horrified glances, unable to comprehend the depths of depravity to which someone would stoop to tarnish Khushi's reputation. Meanwhile, Anjali and Shyam seized the opportunity to subtly cast doubt on Khushi's character, their words laced with insinuation.

Anjali: (sighing dramatically) It's such a shame, isn't it? To think we welcomed Khushi into our home with open arms, only for her to betray us like this.

Shyam: (nodding in agreement) Yes, it's clear that Khushi isn't who we thought she was. We must be more careful about the company we keep.

Mami and Mama's hearts sank as they realized the implications of the fabricated photographs.

As Mami vehemently defended Khushi's character, her voice trembling with emotion.

Mami: (firmly) I refuse to believe that Khushi could be capable of such deceit. These pictures must be doctored or faulty in some way. Khushi would never betray our trust.

Anjali countered with equal determination, her eyes flashing with conviction.

Anjali: (disdainfully) Oh, Mami, you're so naive. Can't you see? This is exactly the kind of behavior we should have expected from someone like Khushi. She's a gold-digger, using Arnav for her own gain.

Nani, who had remained silent until now, interjected with her own scathing assessment of Khushi's character.

Nani: (skeptically) Indeed, Manorama. We must consider all possibilities. After all, Khushi is an orphan, and we know nothing about her background. It's not surprising that she would resort to such tactics.

Mami's heart sank as she realized the depth of suspicion cast upon Khushi by those she had once considered family. She glanced at Mama, who shared her conflicted expression, unsure of whom to believe amidst the swirling accusations and doubts.

Arshi ff - A tale of love of Arnav and KhushiWhere stories live. Discover now