Chapter no.23 Move Combos

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It's been two days since the incident with Mt. Moon and as they were much closer to Cerulean City, Austin and his newfound friends found a stream to stop and rest at.

Or rather, to train.

"Dive and use Quick Attack," Austin ordered as he was having a mock battle with Brock.

It was Pidgeotto versus Zubat, the former Pewter Gym Leader wanted to train Zubat up to par to keep up with Geodude and Onix and Austin haven't been training Pidgeotto as he should've, so it was a win-win situation.

"Supersonic," Brock ordered as the little bat was having a tough time trying to dodge all the Quick Attacks as she aimed the sound attack all around trying to catch the elusive Pidgeotto.

While that was going on, Yellow was sitting near the stream with a fishing rod as she yawned while Pikachu, Rattata, Butterfree, Geodude, Kitty, Dody, and Clefy were watching the battle and Spearow was on a nearby tree branch just giving it a look of boredom.

"Alright, finish this up with Gust!" Austin said as Pidgeotto gave a cry and blew the Zubat back as Brock caught her.

"Zu." The Zubat had a sad look as Brock smiled.

"Hey, you did alright." He said causing the little bat to perk right up and nuzzle her head against Brock's arm.

"Alright, Pidgeotto." Austin held his arm out as the bird landed on it, being mindful of her talons as he scratched underneath her beak.

Austin also has been getting even closer with his team with Brock's help.

Rattata and Pidgeotto seemed to be warming up considerably to Austin while Pikachu and Butterfree were already pretty comfortable with him...

Spearow however, only cared about getting stronger and has rebuffed all attempts.

Yes, he'll protect Austin if something were to happen, but outside of a battle, he stayed away from him as well as the team.

"Pidgeotto is getting stronger," Brock observed as Zubat was now on his shoulder. "You've raised her well."

"Haha, thanks, Brock," Austin said using his free arm to rub the back of his head. "But the credit goes to Pidgeotto."

Pidgeotto cried for confirmation as Spearow just gave her a look.

Turning from Brock, Austin looked towards Yellow. "So what did you think-?" He stopped when he saw that Yellow fell asleep while fishing and he chuckled. 'I was wondering when that would happen.'

"Should we wake her up?" Austin asked as Brock thought for a second.

"Nah, help me make some lunch," Brock said as he opened his bag. "She'll wake up when it's nearly done."

"Alright," Austin said with a shrug as Pidgeotto flew to join the other Pokemon while Zubat just stayed with Brock. "Zubat is pretty affectionate."

"Yeah, it's kind of weird to have a Pokemon that isn't a rock-type though," Brock admitted as he pulled some pans out, leaving Austin to wonder how the guy fit all of that stuff in his bag. "But it's also refreshing."

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