Chapter no.36 Counter Shield!

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Raticate became a blur and slammed into the Poliwhirl faster than she could see, slamming the Tadpole into the wall where she fell over, unconscious.

"The winner is Ash from Pallet Town," Misty said giving a nod. "That's enough to where you can challenge me."

Austin gave a nod as Raticate used Quick Attack to jump from one pad to another before making it to him where he rubbed the top of her head. "You did amazing Raticate." He said earning a soft growl in response from her.

In the stands, Brock looked relieved. "Well, at least Raticate isn't giving him any trouble."

"Why would she?" Yellow asked with a smile. "Ash is a cool trainer."

Brock raised a brow at how Yellow said that before seeing Misty at the end of the field while Austin returned Raticate.

"You did well so far," Misty said as she had a Pokeball in her hand. "But your luck is about to run out."

"Bring it," Austin said pulling out another Pokeball.

"Misty calls Staryu!" Misty called out as she sent a brown starfish Pokemon with a red jewel out.

"Hiya!" Staryu called out as it landed on one of the mats.

"In that case, Pidgeotto take the field!" Austin said sending the bird out as Pidgeotto cried flying through the air.

"Do you think Misty can win?" Lily asked curiously.

Violet chuckled. "Like in her dreams maybe."

"Start things up with Twister!" Austin called out as Pidgeotto gave a cry of confirmation and began to flap her wings causing the strong wind as the water began to shake.

"Rapid Spin." Misty countered as Staryu jumped and spun right through the Twister much to Austin's surprise.

"Quick Attack to dodge," Austin said but Staryu smacked into Pidgeotto before she could dodge as Misty called out a Water Gun.

To counter that, Austin had Pidgeotto block with Steel Wing as the water was easily countered due to the glowing wings.

When Staryu stopped, Austin called out another Quick Attack allowing Pidgeotto to take off in a blur and slam into the Staryu. multiple times.

Misty had enough. "Water Pulse!"

"Fly up," Austin said in worry as he didn't want Pidgeotto to get confused, or injured.

But Pidgeotto was limited due to the battle being indoors as she was dodging Water Pulse after Water Pulse.

That was when Misty changed things up with a Swift as the barrage of stars shot out of Staryu's jewel and slammed into Pidgeotto, causing her to slam into one of the mats.

"Pidgeotto are you alright?!" Austin called out as Pidgeotto pushed herself up, not wanting to be defeated in another Gym Battle.

"Misty's not doing so bad," Violet commented from the sideline. "Nice job."

Lily gave a nod as she saw a white seal Pokemon clapping. "Like who are you cheering for."

"This is bad, Pidgeotto is limited in this fight and if he sends out Pikachu he'll be too tired for the next battle," Brock commented as he had a frown. "But Misty is also showing that she has what it takes to be a good Gym Leader when she can."

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