Chapter no.129 Vs Harrison Part 2

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Cynthia observed the battle from the stands. One thing was clear, Ash had an extreme level of creativity in his battles but Harrison was a far better trainer, displaying the level of calmness and planning that only comes with rigorous experience. In a battle of raw power, Harrison's pokémon would get stalemated by Ash when considering Ash's unusual combo move style along with his creativity and unpredictability. However, the brown,-haired young man from Hoenn had taken his weaknesses and turned them into strengths as he had carefully observed every match that Ash previously had.

This is going to be difficult.

Squirtle was already eliminated from the competition, and with the choice of the battlefield being water and ice, using Bulbasaur wasn't an option, Scyther had a great disadvantage due to the presence of two fire types. And Harrison had practically caused Ash to reveal that he didn't have Clefairy as one of his Pokémon battlings, Pikachu and Charmander were left against Arcanine and Blastoise, and now Arcanine had been pitched against Pikachu, who was, for all intents and purposes, Ash's most versatile pokémon so far.

How will you defeat such a tricky opponent, Ash Ketchum?


Meanwhile back on the battleground, Pikachu floated in the air using magnetic rise as Arcanine stood on one of the larger chunks of ice, growling at the electric mouse pokémon.

"Arcanine, start with fire blast!" Harrison began, as Arcanine let out a loud howl, before unleashing a torrent of flames which expanded out towards Pikachu

" Rapid Electroballs! "

The two attacks collided and created a cloud of smoke from which a few Electroballs came through.

"Arcanine, use swift and use fire fang on Pikachu ."

Arcanine charged toward Pikachu who didn't use any moves to attack it but just let be as Arcanine was near Pikachu, it immediately let go of using magnetic rise and swiftly began to fall to the water as Pikachu dodged the attack.

Pikachu's cheeks began to spark.

"Use extreme speed, Arcanine. Don't let it use any electric attacks."

Pikachu didn't even try to defend as Arcanine was moving fast for him to dodge.

Pikachu was thrown into the water but a dome of Electricity formed all around them.

Pikachu had successfully set up Electric Terrain.

Thinking that Pikachu was going to use some kind of powerful attack like Thunder, Harrison exclaimed," Hyperbeam! "

" Flash turn "

Pikachu's body erupted in a bright light causing Arcanine to lose focus as Hyperbeam dissipated.

Austin had other plans as Pikachu returned.

" Go Charmander !"

"And Ash Ketchum replaces Pikachu with Charmander. Will Charmander be able to win against Arcanine?" The commentator blared.

" Now it seems like you are at a disadvantage," Harrison revealed loudly, much to Austin's chagrin. It seemed he was playing into Harrison's traps more and more since the start of the match. He truly is a tricky opponent to deal with.

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