031 | But Hes Your Percy

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—𝐅𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 dreams where not known as fever dreams too Nefeli, but just another day in the life

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—𝐅𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 dreams where not known as fever dreams too Nefeli, but just another day in the life. So when she woke up, arms and legs innocently tangled with those of a blonde boy she didn't jump up in fear, her stared at his face.

The soft snore, the golden curls, the thick bridge of his nose and the sharpness of his locked jaw. She almost laughed at how mean he looked while he slept because she was well aware that he was a sweetheart when awake.

However the thought of laughing was paired with the thought of crying because soon she'd be leaving him, leaving camp, and embarking on a journey alone through a strange land. It was almost unreal, it was almost completely unfair. And she hadn't told Percy yet. Last night they talked of hanging around together for a full week, watching movies and him teaching her the ways of the world.

She couldn't tell him no, she couldn't ruin the eager eyed softy she'd grown attached too by telling him that she was to leave with vague reasoning.

"Creep." Percy flicked her forehead when he opened his eyes to see Nefeli looking at him. Simply she rolled her eyes. Obnoxiously Percy began to yawn loudly and stretch his limbs out wide, his arm landing around Nefeli and he turned to her, "Hey you come here often?"

"Get away morning breath." Nefeli sat up and pinched her nose as a joke, "Pee-yoo onion boy."

"You're in love with me." Percy reminded finding it was his new weapon to make the sarcastic wall she put up crumble. It worked.

"Stop mentioning it!" Nefeli grabbed her pillow and began to repeatedly whack Percy with it. She stood to her knees on the bed, raising her arm high but Percy wrapped his arms around her stomach and pushed her down.

The two of them laid close, laughing at the way she had beat him.

"But it's so funny your face gets so red-" He began to
mock but was cut off with the same pillow being held
over his face for a few seconds. He muffled screams until she finally let him gasp for air, "I'm gonna head back to camp, brush my teeth, shower, say hello to the ladies and be back."

"Okay yeah, sure, I'll see you later." Nefeli sat up, watching Percy stand and let out another yawn-stretch combo.

He leaned back, cracking his spine and then sat back
down to get his shoes on, The sound of his laces hitting the shoes as he lazily tied them filled the silent air. There was something off, Percy felt it. It felt
like something was ending soon.

Percy felt that Nefeli and him weren't going to see eacother for a while, he felt like it was a real goodbye. However he decided to brush the feeling off, it was probably nothing and focused on ducking Chiron when he got back to camp.

"Bye Ellie Bellie!" Percy said as he stood making his way to the door of the small enclosure he was learning to love.

"I hope you get shot!" Nefeli mumbled laying back down, her words mumbled from the pillow her face was buried in.

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