three ;a path

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previously, after mash had literally punched his way through the maze, he was soon (verbally) attacked by the other applicants. numerous rude and insensitive comments were thrown at him as he responded to each and every single one.

at one point, you were urged to step in, however, someone else had stood up for him instead. that someone being a girl whom you noticed exited the maze alongside mash, a ditsy looking blonde with an orange ribbon headband.

she was the one to defend mash, even risking her failure of the exam. you commended her for her bravery... until you found out she was openly delusional, in a sense, having claimed that mash spoken about marriage to her (false. did not happen).

nonetheless, delusion aside, she stood against the examiner, claude lucci, and exposed him in front of each and every student for abusing his authority as examiner.

he had told the girl to prevent mash from reaching the goal, and in exchange, he would pass her. desperate as she was, she admittedly agreed, yet mash had returned to save her from the sphinx and the cliché riddle even though she had deceived him (not really. it didn't quite work). mash even offered to support her despite the physical burden, that of which she had mistaken his means of support for emotional burdens.

it didn't take long for claude to admit his scummy scheming, asserting his authority with threats, or rather statements, to fail both applicants and going as far as to raise his wand against the two.

but mash being mash, he had snapped the professor's wand in the blink of an eye whilst, in pathetic attempts to save his pride and dignity, his ego had spoken for him.

though, he was interrupted by the one and only wahlberg baigan. a man you thoroughly respected as a mage, but had no care for as an individual.


"SILENCE!!" the booming voice soared through in waves, drawing the attention of all present to the speaker.

you recognised the figure that hovered above the applicants. you weren't particular stunned, as you had encountered him a number of times, but he was when his gaze fell on you.

wahlberg baigan, headmaster of easton magic academy, and by far the strongest mage you knew. his expression became stern as he momentarily stared at you with increasing suspicion.

"we will move onto the interviews. from this point on, i will be in charge of my examination." wahlberg stated, the atmosphere growing more grim by the second.

AN EPIPHANY ;mashleWhere stories live. Discover now