twelve ;an immersion

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"i thought that the bureau's ace card was a heartless inhumane being. why is it that you're so insistent on helping my cause?" lance was skeptical as he watched you soothe the soreness of your neck.

you gave your answer some thought, pondering to yourself for a minute.

"a younger sister shouldn't have to be taken away from her older brother. not like this." you muttered, distant memories making their way back to you.

"you... have an older brother, don't you?"

maybe it was just a reach for empathy, but lance took notice of your odd wording. 'a younger sister', not 'his' younger sister.

'it's only a possibility, so tell me, (y/n) kairos...' he bit the inside of his cheek.

"do you.. have a similar situation?" he finally asked.

you only snickered, a bittersweet glint in your eyes as you put on a smile. that same, painstakingly feigned smile. like the snap of a finger, the fraudulent identity was back in play. what an enigma you were, a puzzle forever bound to be unsolved.

"not in the least bit. my brother's already gone. but you still can save your sister." you pointed at him, your finger poking his chest, where his heart was placed.

"already gone...?" lance couldn't help but echo you. it was well known to the country that alistair had been missing for a decade, but 'lost' would've been a better term, wouldn't it?

unless, you had meant alistair was not missing, but in fact─


"your play on words is giving me a headache." the siscon sighed, reaching to grab your wrist.

"i'll repay you someday, so let me save my sister... please." he uttered in barely a whisper.

even if it meant playing dirty, even if it meant breaking the law, even if it meant having to rely on someone else. all he wanted was to see his sister healthy and safe again.

you gave him a smile, stretching an arm up to pat his head. his eyes widened ever so slightly at the gesture, but he wasn't complaining.

"your sister's lucky to have someone protecting her." you muttered, subconsciously speaking your thoughts.

'and i was lucky once, too.'

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