eight ;a burial

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in this world, there are people who deserve to live, and people who don't. by fate, and simply just by fate, you were given the position to decide just who gets to see another day in life, whether they possessed magic or not. and simply by fate, lloyd cavill had pushed your limits far beyond the boundary. he had hurt a soul too afraid to even cause harm, a soul you deemed precious in this rotten world. the soul that belonged to one of your few yet treasured friends, finn ames.

"what are you doing?" blankly, mash questioned.

"getting an apology. finn got a bit ahead of himself, you see." cavill smiled.

you kneeled down on one knee, your hand on finn's back as you checked his condition by running your magic energy through him. it was a weird sensation for the two-tone haired boy, but a familiar and soothing one. you had done this many times in the past, usually when he had gotten hurt or when some brain-dead kids had tried to pick on him.

"are you okay, finn?" mash had done the same, checking up on the boy instead.

"yeah..." weakly, finn reassured.

"let me─" you slipped your hand to touch his forehead and heal the wound, but the boy only stopped your hand, grabbing onto it with little strength.

"that doesn't matter right now..." finn uttered, speaking as if he had something more to say.

"it... it was me." his tears fell to the ground, blood still dripping from his forehead amd nose as more tears started to stream down his face.

"the one who ruined your textbooks, it was me. i was too scared to disobey. you called me your friend, but i did horrible things to you... i just... i needed to apologise to you." he sobbed, voice shaky as his hand slowly slipped from yours to the ground.

"i'm sorry, so very sorry.." finn apologised with all his heart, leaving a bitter feeling in yours. he was always apologising for things he was never responsible for, wasn't he? some things don't change after all.

"if only you'd apologise to me like that. oh, by the way. i'm about to dine with the vice-principal, care to join us? you can leave that dirty little lackey here where he belongs." cavill shrugged, calling out to mash and inviting him.

your hand finally managed to caress finn's cheek, allowing you to cast a rather familiar spell. subconsciously, finn leaned into the warmness of your hand, just like how he used to all those years back. to him, it was your way of reassuring him that he wasn't to blame whenever he couldn't help that stinging feeling in his chest as it lingered.

AN EPIPHANY ;mashleWhere stories live. Discover now