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「 ✦ PLAN A ✦ 」

THAT NIGHT, after making sure that everyone else was asleep, Mal and Evie set out for Jay and Carlos's room to plot the wand heist. Since they were still new, Mal and Evie had been walking around trying to find the boy's room.

"Where are we?" Mal asked nobody in particular.

Evie followed closely behind; they followed Evie's mirror but seemed to find themselves still lost in all the rooms, and whenever Evie tried to ask for direction, the kids would immediately hide in their dorm. Not that it bothered the girls, but they need to find Jay and Carlos rooms.

"Well, you're currently on the boys' wing of the dorm," a person answered behind them.

Turning around, Mal and Evie were surprised to see the princess herself, Bella. The two VK girls unknowingly sigh in relief. They seem to be more relaxed whenever this particular princess is around, especially Evie. Though the fact that this princess was still awake and not complaining about not getting enough beauty sleep still worries them,.

"Princess Evie" Bella smiled as she gave the two a bow. This made Evie giggle and bow as well.

"Hey Princess Bella," Mal said, being as polite as she could muster. Since Bella is still the princess, they didn't want to look more suspicious than they already do.

"You don't have to call me princess. Bella's just fine," Bella insisted.

Mal grinned, but agreed. "We're sort of lost looking for the boys room," Mal explained.

"We wanted to see them, you know, different place, new people and all," Evie said, playing with her hair. "Any chance you know where their room is?"

"Of course it's this way," Bella said, turning in a different direction from where the two were planning on going.

"It's a good thing we bump into her," Mal whispered to Evie.

"A good thing indeed," Evie said mostly to herself, watching the princess' wavy hair bounce on every step.

Bella led them through a few doors more before stopping. "This is it; I hope you can find yours after," Bella asked the two.

Mal nodded, and Evie smiled, thankful for the help.

"Well, I'll see you girls tomorrow. Good night." Bella waved good-bye, her eyes lingering a little longer on Evie, before departing herself for her room.

"Good night," Evie said sweetly before entering the room after Mal.

Inside, Carlos was busy playing a video game on their TV screen. Mal was jealous of their room. Mostly because it was darker and not girly compared to their room. Jay was busy emptying all the loot he stole to his bed. Some fries, a few pieces of jewellery, coins, a phone, watches, bracelets, rings, necklaces, and a lot more—no one knows how he fit into his vest.

"Jay, what are you doing?" Mal asked, looking at all the stuff.

"It's called stealing," Jay said, obviously.

"What's the point?" Mal asked again.

"Well, it's like buying whatever I want, except it's free," said Jay, pulling a laptop from his vest and laughing to himself as he opened the laptop.

How did he fit that there?

"Okay. So you could do that. Or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world," said Mal, picking up a phone from the pile before dropping it back.

"You sound just like your mom!" Evie stated.

Mal gasped in delight. "Thank you!" Mal said to Evie, which she took as a compliment when it was more of a scary notion.

"You do it your way, and I'll do it mine," Jay said, dropping the laptop on his bed and walking away towards where Carlos was.

"Die, suckers!" Carlos yelled at the TV, where it showed him winning against his opponent in the video game. He turned around to call his friend to share the new experience. "Jay, come check this thing out!" he said, handing over the controller. He stepped down and let Jay take his turn.

Jay took them and stepped on the platform in front of the TV. Jay then ducks as he says his foe tried to punch his character, dodging the attack and now continuing to fight back. Carlos watched him from behind, laughing and cheering as Jay fought off the virtual enemies.

"Guys!" Mal called out. Evie and Carlos turn to her, and Jay continues to play. "Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?"

"Fairy Godmother, blah, blah, blah," said Jay as he swung another strike. "Magic wand, blah, blah, blah," he said jokingly, making Evie and Carlos laugh.

"This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents," Mal says, dropping a bomb on them.

Evie stopped laughing, Jay stopped playing, and Carlos faced her.

"To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel," Mal added.

That got their attention.

"Yeah?" Mal asked them again.

The three nodded, now serious.

"Evie, mirror me," Mal said, pulling up the chair for Evie before pulling her own.

Mal and Evie sat at the table as Jay and Carlos gathered around them. Carlos grabbed the laptop on Jay's bed and opened it.

Evie pulled out her mirror from her bag. "Mirror, mirror, on the–in my hand." She changed the sentence before continuing. "Where is Fairy Godmother's wand? Stand?" She smiled at the mirror.

The mirror showed the wand, but with no specific location. "There it is!" said Evie.

"Zoom out," Carlos instructed as he typed on the search engine on the laptop.

"Magic mirror, not so close," Evie whispered into it.

The mirror showed a picture of the earth. "Closer," Evie said. The mirror showed the map of the United States of Auradon. "Closer," she said again. The mirror showed the town they were currently in. "Closer," she said for the last time.

"Can I go back to my game? I'm on level three," Carlos said, trying to get back to the TV.

"Stop!" Jay suddenly said, pulling Carlos attention back.

They watched as a huge building came into view. It was dark, but the sign upfront read 'MUSEUM OF CULTURAL HISTORY. '

A museum? seriously?

"It's in a museum," Mal stated, still amazed by the magic of the mirror. "Do we know where that is?"

Carlos typed something on the laptop. "Two point three miles from here," he said, turning the laptop to his friends and showing them a map from the school to the museum. Carlos went back to his game.

Mal opened the door to the room to check if the coast was clear. After confirming that no one else was outside, she sneaked out quietly. "Come on," she whispered. Jay and Evie followed close behind her down the hall.

When Mal noticed someone was missing, she called Carlos's name over. "Carlos"

Carlos stopped playing his game and ran out the door after his friends while trying to wear his leather jacket.

Hearts Intertwined - Evie GrimhildeWhere stories live. Discover now