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- A few minutes after Bella left Chemistry -

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- A few minutes after Bella left Chemistry -

    PACING IN HIS OFFICE, Ben had been frantically brainstorming for any ideas for a date with Mal but ideas keep shutting down thinking that if it's too much he would overwhelm her or if it's too little she'd think his not even putting an effort. Now his overthinking ever possible way that Mal would hate him.

    The doors abruptly open revealing his calm, collected—and hopefully had more ideas than he does—sister.

"I got your text. What happen?" Bella was always right to point on things.

"I need your help." Ben immediately said with no other helpful information.

"With what??" Bella asked now worried, still clueless ever since she read the text he sent, she came running.

"I wanted to ask Mal on a date but I don't know what to do," Ben confessed.

That's it? "On the date part or asking part cause I'm pretty sure you could ask Mal since you've already sing and dance your love for her is ridiculous" Bella teased singing the last part, recalling how the tourney game went.

"On the date part. I have so much idea but I don't know which one to go with" Ben, still pacing. "Asking her to the movies sounds so common or boring for a first date, coffee date? too public. Maybe she'd want a quiet date you know...just the two of us. Carnival, too much crowd...maybe a picnic? But where?" he goes on and on, listing all of the possible ideas for a date but each one had a flaw or a factor that he thinks the could cause trouble for the date.

    The prince had the bad habit of overthinking things, he has always been thoughtful even the smallest thing he would go through lengths so that every party is satisfied. Bella smiled and stop teasing on her brother. Picnic? idea. "What about a picnic at the enchanted lake?"

    Perking up with the brightness smile ever. "Of course! The enchanted lake. That's perfect. I just need a blanket, picnic basket..."

    While Ben was busy talking, Bella had already called mrs. Potts if she could prepare a picnic basket with a few pastries and strawberries some glasses of lemonade, she texted Cogsworth if he has a picnic blanket and towels to which she had already receive a message the he has it pack already and lastly she asked Lumiere to prepare her bike and her helmet along with the picnic basket and blanket. And sent.

"Done" Bella said.

"What?" He asked

"I have the basket and the blanket all that's left now is for you to ask Mal and I'll handle the setting." Bella said, looking up to see her gaping brother.

Hearts Intertwined - Evie GrimhildeWhere stories live. Discover now