Traumatized - 2

756 13 12

!TW - Anxiety, Pain, Crying!

Nicks pov:
After a moment of silence, I stand up and retrieve Charlie's clothes from the corner of the shower room. I sit down with Charlie again and grab one of the fabrics. I pick up his white shirt. But when I look down at Charlie, he looks at me with a panicked look while shaking his head no. I see how his lower lip begins to tremble and tears begin to fill his eyes.
"Shh, Charlie, it's okay. In order for us to leave, you have to wear clothes, okay?" I say calmly and show the shirt I have in my hands. He opens his mouth to say something, but no words come out - only sobs.
"Not..- clothes.. not.. them" Charlie sobs with a shaky and scared voice. Reading between the lines, I understand what he means - he doesn't want those clothes on because they remind him of something, something bad. I nod understandingly at him and give him a small smile, to show that I understand and that I won't force him to wear them. However, I insted staring to look around the dressing room to see if there are any other clothes that Charlie can borrow. Finally, my eyes fall on my bag that is next to me. I quickly open the zipper and take out the first thing I see, the one thing on top - one of my hoodies.
"Char.. would it feel okay to put this on instead?" I ask. He hesitates for a second but quickly realizes that he can't go home without clothes on. Almost invisible, he nods his head.

Charlies pov:
I slowly try to sit up to be able to put on some clothes, all I want is to get away from this place. But my whole body hurts. After a while I manage to sit up with my back against the wall of the room. It hurts to sit, it hurts to breathe - it hurts to exist. The pain is excruciating and hurts more now that I've moved, which makes me cry even more. I see Nick sitting in front of me with a questioning look written all over his face.
"My body..- pain.." I finally manage to explain and he nods back. I'm so incredibly tired right now, in so much pain, just want to go home. The tears in my eyes make my vision blurry, but I still see Nick sitting in front of me with his blue hoodie in his hands.
"Okay Charlie, do you want to put it on yourself?" He asks. I don't know what to answer right now - I don't want him to help because I don't want him to touch me. But at the same time, I want him to help because my body hurts so incredibly much. After a moment of silence and thinking, I shake my head.
"Okay, I can help. But only if you feel comfortable with it?" Nick says back and I nod.
"I.. am" I add with a shaky voice. He helps me pull the hoodie over my head and tucks my arms into the hoodie's sleeves. When the hood is on, I relax for a while, lean against the wall behind me and breathe for a moment.
"Good job char, it's just pants too then I can take you home" says Nick. I look at him and then at the pile of clothes lying next to him on the floor. I quickly realize that there are no other pants. I have to put on the pants that Ben took off to rape me. I'm panicking.

Nicks pov:
As I pick up Charlie's jeans lying on the floor next to me, he starts to panic. His whole body begins to shake uncontrollably and he cries. He tries to back up against the wall, as if he's afraid that his pants will hurt him.
"Hey, listen to me," I say, making sure I have his full attention on me. His beautiful blue eyes looking deep into my brown ones.
"I understand if it's hard, but we have to. I'm here the whole time and we'll take it at the pace you need" I continue and Charlie gives me a small smile before breaking the eye contact and looking down at the floor instead.
"Re.. ready" he whispers after a while and looks up at me. I start to put the jeans on him and every centimeter I check to make sure he's okay. He looks very uncomfortable, but I just try to remind him that there is no danger and that I am here. I feel so damn powerless right now, my sweet Charlie. Seeing him in pain breaks my heart.
"N..ick" Charlie whispers still leaning against the wall for support.
"I'm tired.." he sobs. I'm trying my best not to show him my anxiety, I doing everything in my power to hold back my tears right now.
"I know. But I'm as long I'm here, noting going to hurt you" I answer and look at him. He just nods in respons - he must really be exhausted right now.

A/N - Hey, here you have a new part of this story! Personally Im not so proud with how this chapter turned out, but I feel like I just need, and want, to post something - so here you go!
I have a great plan in mind on what will happen the next coming chapters, so stay tuned! :)

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