Chapter Six

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Kamari's POV

The server came to the table with the check we decided that I was going to pay and Simone was going to tip.

"You're ready to go visit Grandma Mari," Simone said. "Yes I'm ready Let's go," I told her with a smile.

We got up and headed towards the door. Once we made it to our cars I drove behind her. Things started to get familiar once we made it back to the neighborhood that Grandma was staying in.

Memories started to flow through almost making me tear up but I stopped myself from doing so.

Simone started to slow down and pull up in Grandma's driveway. I slowed down and parked on the curb because there was only room for one more car.

I got out of my car and leaned against my car door looking at the house and the things that surrounded it. Everything is still the same as I was looking around I heard my name being called by Simone.

"Kamari" Simone said with her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her and said I was fine and we walked towards the front door.

The closer we got to the door the more my heart started to feel heavy. I focused on my breathing so I wouldn't pass out and completely embarrass myself.

Simone still had her key so she just unlocked the door. I stopped and didn't want to move and started to shake my head in a no reaction with tears in my eyes.

"Look just come in everything going to be alright little bro I promise I got your back do you trust me, snuggles," she asked me. "Yeah I trust you Monnie," I told her.

She took my hand and walked me into the house. The smell of vanilla-scented candles and the sounds of The Price Is Right filled my nose and ears.

"Simone is that you babygirl I need you to go to Kroger and grab a couple of things for me," Grandma said while walking down the stairs.

Once she got to the last step she locked eyes with me and started crying. She ran up to me and hugged me so tightly. "Hey Grandma I've missed you so much oh my god," I said crying.

"Thank you lord for bringing my baby home it's been too long Father god," she said while crying and rocking me side to side.

I looked over at Simone and signaled her to come join the hug because we needed this come-together moment.

After a while of us hugging we pulled away and started to look at each other. Simone being Simone she started laughing and talking about my ugly cry I just did.

"Simone I swear you irritate me girl don't make no sense," I said while wiping my face and laughing.

"Grandma I'm so sorry for the things I said to you the last time we spoke it's been so hard these past 4 years," I said to her.

"Mari it's alright I said something it's all ok life is too short baby I'm just happy to have you home gma baby," she said while kissing my cheek.

"Are you guys hungry I can make something for guys" Grandma said while wiping her face with her shirt.

"No ma'am we just came back from having brunch and can you believe that Monnie is eating steak now" I said making Grandma look at her with shock.

"That's the same look I gave her at the table because you know she never really liked steak sometimes you have to cook her a whole different meal," I said while laughing.

"Well when you grow your taste buds do too and that's a fact because I didn't like to eat beans when I was little and now look I cook them almost every Sunday," she said laughing at the thought of it.

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