Chapter 20

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You could feel the thrum of music a mile away. As we tried to find a spot to park in vain, we had to park two blocks away. The place was full of cars it was insane. I felt dread coil deep inside but I quickly waved it off, I couldn't afford to chicken out at the last minute.

Sandra had went overboard with our appearance and I couldn't help but feel bad if I was to let her efforts go in vain. Squaring up my shoulders, I decided I would have fun tonight, no holding back. Worrying could come in later.
My best friend hastily wiggled through the crowd packed in the huge mansion. This place was magnificent and I quickly wondered what King's parents did for a living before dismissing the thought, it was none of my business.

After we got into the equally packed inside of the mansion, the music was so loud I couldn't hear anything Sandra said so I just nodded. In another second she disappeared into the crowd and I felt my anxiety levels skyrocket.
Turning in circles, I went and sat at the corner where a pillar was my solace. I felt angry at Sandra for disappearing on me but at the same time, I couldn't hold her back since this was a party and she was a people's person.

A tumbler was thrust into my hands and I turned to see a hyper Gabby looking down at me with a raised eyebrow that seemed to challenge me to refuse the drink and face the consequences.
Frowning, I took the tumbler sniffed and wrinkled my nose instantaneously, the contents inside smelled so strong I felt my eyes water.

"Oh come on Andrea, just grow up already. It's only whiskey in there for heaven's sake and not poison. You came here to enjoy so live a little and unwind!"

With that she whirled around and left, my sister had thrust alcohol into my hands. I had never tasted alcohol and my sister offered me my first ever alcohol. I didn't know what to feel about that but remembering how she seemed to insinuate that I was always uptight and never did anything out of my comfort zone, which was true anyway, I decided to throw caution to the wind and I chugged the drink.
The burning sensation and the strong smell sent me into a coughing fit, shit that stuff was disgusting! I wondered how people voluntarily indulged in alcohol as I wiped the tears from my eyes.
After some time, I was feeling lightheaded, looking around and seeing how people were laughing and dancing, I decided to just enjoy myself too. With a wave of confidence that I didn't understand, I stood and stepped away from the pillar. Swaying a little, I giggled to myself.

This had to be the effect of the alcohol, I laughed to myself.
As I went round saying hi to people, another tumbler was thrust into my face and this time I didn't hesitate.
Downing the content, I withheld the need to gag, this was not the same as the first one my sister gave to me. I didn't know much about alcohol so I couldn't tell what I had downed but anyway, dropping the tumbler, I joined the dancers and happily danced to the rhythm of the loud music.
At that point, nothing mattered. I just felt happy and content.
At some point I felt someone behind me but I didn't bother checking, I just grinded myself on the person without a care in the world but I might have been hallucinating but I was sure I heard the person groan hotly as they held onto my hips whilst I continued dancing my heart away.

After a while, I felt winded and the crowd was bothering me, I needed a breath of fresh air and so I staggered away from the dancers and made my way to the back door. On my way I met a guy who offered me a cookie, considering how hungry I was from all the dancing, I happily accepted and thanked him.
Seeing as the backyard was filled with youthful laughter of drunk people, and people doing all kind of stuff out there, I walked to the farthest corner and sat on the concrete. Enjoying the fresh air, I munched away on my cookie.

I was seeing stars! I blinked but I couldn't focus and I felt my eyes grow heavy. I wondered what was wrong but when I tried standing, I tripped over nothing and landed on my face, instead of groaning in pain, I just laughed!

Was I going mad? I silently wondered.
I fekt6a presence beside me and the hairs at my back stood, my heart thrummed crazily and I could tell it wasn't the good kind even in my inebriated and wasted state.

Came an unfamiliar voice and I involuntarily shivered.
I turned my head and was met by the darkest eyes I had ever seen.
I couldn't reply but the guy seemed unbothered.

"Glad to make your acquaintance, I might be a stranger to you but you're not one to me. I know you cannot understand what I'm saying right now but that's how I want it to be anyways. You're so beautiful upclose, I'm itching to touch your beautiful face."

I just sat there and continued staring up at him, my brain could not comprehend what this guy was saying.

I was snapped out of my confused state by him grinning at me and saying he looked forward to meeting me again. His grin looked calculated and malicious, predatory if you may, even to my confused self and I felt my throat clogging up with fear.
In a flash he had disappeared into the throng of people and I shuddered again.

Before falling into another stupor, I was pulled from my whirling thoughts by another voice, this time round, I felt warmth.

"What are you doing out here alone? I was looking for you everywhere. I was getting worried."

Came King's strong voice. I immediately burst out into uncontrollable tears. I couldn't even tell why I was crying but King immediately embraced me as I cried hysterically.

" What's wrong with you and what's this? Is this a weed cookie?! "

Muttering under his breath King looked like he wanted to punch something or someone.
I giggled and he looked down at me as though he was trying to figure my fucked up mood out. I didn't understand it myself so I knew he couldn't either.

I felt myself being picked up but I could careless, I was in my own little cocoon making up a flowery field filled with mirth and laughter and it made me happy.
Feeling myself being put down, I held onto whoever it was who had carried me, I couldn't remember and I didn't feel like I cared. I felt muscles tense as I snuggled into their warmth. Sighing in content I smiled.

"I have a soft giant who smells wonderful here with me.
Hey mister giant will you keep the monsters away? I want you to ever leave me, I don't know what the monsters want. Pretty please?"

The muscles tensed even worse than they had previously done and I felt myself being encompassed into a tight embrace.

" Forever and always my queen. "

I felt so happy that I looked up to the giant and tickled it's nose and pecked it's cheek.
Feeling completely safe and happy, I fell into a beautiful sleep filled with wonderful colors and happy giants. My soukr was at peace. And I slept away.

I didn't realise when my giant left, I also wasn't a witness of the soft peck that was placed on my forehead and the soft promises that were whispered in the deepest hour of the night as it slipped out of the room. But all that didn't matter for my heart was at peace and my soul a happy one.

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This chapter is dedicated to this lovely people, Project_Athena ,

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 07 ⏰

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