Chapter 16

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I fell ill on the day we had a mini movie show in the cafeteria.
It had been a week now and my fever was not lessening. I felt faint and I was in no mood to engage anyone not even my best friend. My parents were really worried. The physician had told us that it was a normal fever and that we had to wait until it was gone.

Out of desperation, they had called Justin whom I had not set eyes on in what seemed like a century. He was currently pacing inside my room but even my eyes were too tired to follow his figure as he paced restlessly looking deep in thoughts.

He had not said a single word to me since he came into the room and had I any energy, I would have given him a piece of my mind. I was getting frustrated. Whether it was because of my current condition or the person who seemed to be inside my room I was not sure.

Summoning all my strength, I swung out of bed. Justin did not even notice which did not come as a surprise to me since he looked like he was in Mars.
After a few minutes of catching my breath, I shakily stood up. Bad idea though. I lost my balance almost immediately and as if luck was not on my side, I fell on my face which meant I hit the floor.

I did not even utter anything even after pain shot throught my body like lightning. I could feel my lungs   fight for oxygen. My head felt really light and my vision swam.

My fall had certainly gotten our big mans attention for he was by my side in a flash. I mentally rolled my eyes. If he had come to my rescue during my fall, I would not have been in this position.

He was really flustered.
Without saying anything, he picked me up in a manner with which a parent picks their toddler after they fall. After placing on the bed, he let out a huff of air. It felt like he was trying to relieve himself of his stress. He looked down on my helpless self and then he slowly retreated out of the room.
That man had the audacity of coming into my room only to leave without uttering a single syllable the whole half hour he was in there.

I started feeling anxious. I willed my brain not to overthink this but even at that moment, I knew there was an underlying meaning to my condition. A normal fever should not lender me incapable. I had been trying to smother any thought that had tried to take root in my head since I was not prepared for more surprises.

But as my eyelids drooped and my mind fell into a haze, I knew that there had to be an explanation to this. With a feeling of unconscious anxiety, I fell into a deep slumber.

I felt myself stir, but I was met by a void of nothingness. Darkness stretched every where. I realised I was in a dream. My heart beat excessively fast as I felt myself falling and falling. I could not stop the tears that fell. I was in a mixture of fear, desperation and sheer panic.  I could not stop the feeling of falling and I felt completely helpless.

I felt myself wretch and I threw up what had to be bile since my stomach was empty and void of any food. The bitter taste left in my mouth only heightened my anxiety and I could feel myself gasping for breath. I needed to wake up. I had to rise from this dream like state else I would faint.

I wondered to myself whether that was even a possibility. I was not sure a person could lose consciousness in a dream since it was an unconscious state itself. I was confused.

But the lightness of my head was not letting up and I was now loudly gasping for breath now. Out of nowhere I felt or rather heard a voice that felt like a featherlight caress to the soul.

I frantically looked around but I could still see naught. And the sense of direction was still lost to me. I listened keenly and I heard the soft voice call out again. It felt so smooth. Like a sooth to the troubled soul that was currently me.

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