Chapter 7

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When I came to, I was feeling both physically and mentally drained. I had no energy in me whatsoever. I was inside the same bedroom I had woken up from before. I just didn't know what to make of this situation anymore but I knew that I had to calm down and get some answers.

When I turned my head, I sawa Gabby with a guy and they both were engrossed in a discussion. They seemed stressed. I coughed to announce that I had finally regained consciousness. Gabby was on my side in a flash looking very relieved.

I smiled weakly not knowing what else to do. Gabby asked me whether I was feeling okay and if there was anything I wanted but I shook my head yes and no to answer both her questions. She sighed and the guy she was with came to stand near the bed.

When I studied him, I realised I had also seen him before. He was the guy I had bumped into that day. I refused to think back then lest I start hyperventilating again. Gabby introduced the guy and informed me that his name was Mason in short Mase. Gabby was also short for Gabriella and this two seemed close.

I felt a jolt of an unfamiliar feeling when I thought that. I was never one to involve myself with guys since I needed to focus on school fees back then.
Again I blocked those memories and focused on what was on hand.

Mason told me I could call him Mase and Gabby didn't seem too happy but she didn't say anything. This situation felt more or less awkward and I did not know what to say so I asked the question that had been burning me since I had cut myself earlier.

"How did I heal? What happened earlier?"

I asked no one in particular and both of them seemed reluctant to talk. That had me start getting angry. I needed answers or else I'd go mad!
Mase said that there was some people I was supposed to meet and that they would give me the answers I was looking for.

I rose from the bed and that was a cue for them to take me to this people they were talking about. I rose too fast since less than a second later I felt myself falling from a wave of dizziness. This things are becoming common now! I braced myself for the impact but not the one that I got.

I felt tingles shoot up my whole body and a flash of excitement engulfed me. That's when I realised Mase had held me just in time to prevent my fall. He let go immediately he touched me and I fell down on my butt. I groaned from the pain but I was glad since that was nothing compared to the pain the fall would have caused.

Mase looked at me in confusion. Like he was looking for some sort of answers and I stared at him blankly. The feeling of excitement had passed when he let go of me and it was like it had never even happened. Gabby snickered and that broke the tension in the room. I glared at her and stood up slowly to avoid a reoccurrence of the same situation.

We went down the same lift but this time we didn't take the same direction. I was acutely aware of Mase's presence behind me as Gabby led the way and I felt jittery and conscious. Finally Gabby came to a standstill in front of a double door. And then she knocked softly.

I was doing everything not to turn around and run. And also because Mase was here. I would not want to embarrasse myself in front of him. I was shocked by myself for thinking like that. That was completely so unlike me. And I also had to stop since I didn't know whether he and Gabby were an item.

I had been distracted by my thoughts such that I had not heard the door opening. When I glanced up there stood a very beautiful woman who was trembling. From what, I couldn't tell. I braced myself and started preparing for the obviously lurking shock.

Gabby stepped aside and the woman stepped forward. She went to embrace me but I flinched away and she visibly winced. I immediately regretted that action but she was a stranger still, though I had a strong feeling who she was.

She invited us inside. Mase and Gabby went to take their leave but I became frantic. Gabby was the only person I had associated with since I woke up the first time. I wanted her presence. She offered to stay even without me asking her to. Yeah definitely creepy.

We went inside and I ran my eyes all round and decided the room was absolutely amazing. Someone cleared their mind and that brought my attention to a man who was seated on a chair. I felt a jolt of an unfamiliar feeling coarse through my body.

The man looked at me intensely and I had to avert my eyes. The door opened again an in came Justin and a few people. When I saw Justin I felt tears threatening to fall but I struggled and held them.

In my head, he was the reason I was not back home but that did not matter. We all sat down and Justin cleared his throat.

"Andrea, I know you're going through so much and I'm sorry for that. We are here to answer most questions that might be bothering you a lot. Please feel free to ask anything."

He then went straight to the point and told me that the man and the woman seated before me were my biological parents. Even though I had already guessed, I still felt the bile rising real quickly and I felt the need to throw up but held the feeling down.

The woman was eyeing me carefully and she was still trembling. The man seemed collected but the way his jaw ticked and his fingers twitched, one could clearly tell that he was far from settled.

I honestly didn't know what to make of this situation. I was becoming overwhelmed again. I wanted to breath. I contemplated walking out but that would break their hearts. I was very surprised by that thought. When did I start caring what they would feel when they had abandoned me just like that years ago? I puzzled to myself.

The woman seemed like she could take no more because in the next second, she was on her knees with a look of pure anguish clear on her facial expression. That action took me by surprise and it broke my heart.

Quickly and without thinking I kneeled down beside her and held her. She hugged me so tightly and let out a sob that held so many emotions. I could feel everything she was going through right that moment. The woman who was my mother.

The man came to us slowly and hugged me and it became a group hug. I felt complete at that moment though I would never tell them that. It felt like a piece of a puzzle had finally been found. One I had never even fully realised the extent of.

And we cried together. The man was crying softly, not making any sound. If not for the tears and the slight shaking of his body, one could hardly tell that he was crying. The woman on the other hand was full on sobbing.

I could not bring myself to call them mom and dad. Not yet anyway. There was a mountain of explanation I needed from them and I intended to get the answers. It was difficult but I had to remember that I had been dropped off while I was a small baby.

After what felt like hours of hugging and crying, Justin cleared his throat again. Well this man sure liked clearing throats! They let me go but the woman still held my hand as if she feared I would disappear. I was glad she did to some extent.

Well here comes another bombshell...


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