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Avoiding Clyde seemed surprisingly effortless, but I had a nagging sense that it was because he was also dodging me. A whole week had passed without a single sighting, and I couldn't shake the feeling that we were both intentionally keeping our distance. Meanwhile, Brenda was playing hooky from school, and I knew it was because she had a date with Clyde.

A faint sense of unease settled in, but I brushed it off, trying to shake the feeling. As I walked home solo, the silence was broken by the buzzing of my phone in my tote bag. I pulled it out and I answered the call.

"Hello, Mum," I said, trying to sound cheerful.

"How are you doing, sweetie?" she replied, her voice warm and loving, with a hint of a smile that I could sense even over the phone.

"I'm good. Just on my way home from school," I responded.

"Okay...I called to tell you that Mark and I are getting married next two months," she continued, her excitement palpable. I was taken aback by the sudden news.

I let out a sigh, trying to process this new information. While I knew they cared deeply for each other, I couldn't shake the feeling that they were rushing into things - they'd only been dating for seven months, after all. My main concern was protecting my mom from potential heartache; she'd been hurt before, and I didn't want to see her go through that again.

"Okay..." I replied, still trying to wrap my head around the news.

"It's just a small wedding, so we'll be having it at home. Feel free to invite your friends, though," she added, her tone cheerful.

"Okay, Mum," I responded, my voice a little hesitant.

I paused for a moment before asking the question that had been on my mind: "Um, is Dad coming?"

There was a brief silence on the other end of the line before she replied, "I don't know. I sent him an invitation, though."

I nodded, even though she couldn't see me. "Okay, Mum. Bye..." I trailed off, ending the call with a soft click.

My parents' divorce when I was just ten years old still felt like a fresh wound. Dad had moved on, remarrying two years later and starting a new family with two children.

I, on the other hand, was still trying to navigate the complexities of my own emotions.

As I approached my hostel, I noticed a sleek black car parked outside - a new and unfamiliar sight. That's when I saw them: Brenda and Clyde, hand in hand, their affection on full display. I drew in a sharp breath, my heart racing. Clyde's eyes locked onto mine, and I could feel his gaze like a weight. I tried to ignore it, but my mind kept wandering back to the embarrassing truth - I had fantasized about him before, and the memory of those thoughts made my cheeks hot.

I felt a flush rise to my skin under Clyde's intense gaze, and that only made me angrier.

Why did he have this effect on me?!

Brenda's cheerful greeting broke the tension: "Oh! Hi Soma!"

I forced a smile, trying to appear nonchalant. "Hi,"I replied shortly, trying to hide my discomfort.

Without another word, I swiftly walked past them and into the compound, seeking the refuge of my room.

I opened WhatsApp and saw a message from Kev - or Angel Michael, as I liked to call him. Kelvin was his real name, and I had met him once before; he was actually a kind and genuine person.

His message read: 'Can you come over today? Let's join our ideas together.'

I agreed, responding with a thumbs up and a 'See you soon!'

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