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Haha. Not really.

I did pause to feel if my heart felt anything. But no, I just rooting for him to patch things up with his girlfriend.

I shook my head. Was I going to die single?

As I took a bite of my burger, I asked, "So, what's the plan?"

Kelvin shrugged, "Long distance relationships never work out." He took a swig of his beer, avoiding eye contact.

I studied him for a moment, then asked, "You've got trust issues, don't you?"

Kelvin's face twitched, and I knew I'd struck a nerve. He took a deep breath, his eyes clouding over with pain. "My mum left for a study abroad program and never returned. The next news is, she was married and she's sorry."

His words hung in the air, heavy with hurt and betrayal. I felt a lump form in my throat as I nodded, understanding the depth of his wound. I could relate to the ache of abandonment, the longing for a loved one who'd chosen to leave.

"I know the pain of betrayal," I said, my voice laced with empathy. "My dad cheated on my mum, got his mistress pregnant, and promptly divorced my mom to start a new family. He's now living happily ever after with his new wife and two kids."

Kelvin's eyes widened in understanding. "Sorry" was all he said, but I brushed it off with a wave of my hand. "No need to apologize. It seems we both have the dubious honor of calling assholes our parents."

Kelvin chuckled.

"Well, don't let your mom's mistakes hold you back from finding your own happiness!"

He teased, "Look who's doling out love advice now!"

I playfully rolled his eyes.

"And who's your happiness, huh?" Kelvin asked, curiosity piqued.


"No one. Single as a pringle."

Kelvin's eyes locked onto mine, and I could sense a secret lingering on the tip of his tongue.

"What is it?" I inquired.

He hesitated, then shrugged, "Nothing."

I raised an eyebrow, calling his bluff. "Oh, come on! I saw that look on your face – you were about to spill something. Don't leave me hanging like this!"

"You must have imagined it," Kelvin said with a smirk.

I raised an eyebrow, feigning offense. "Are you saying I'm delusional? That I'm hallucinating?"

Kelvin burst out laughing,


After dinner, Kelvin hailed an Uber, and we zipped off to my hostel. As I hopped out of the car, a spontaneous idea struck me. "Hey, Kelvin, want to be my date for the freshers' night party?" I asked, grinning mischievously.

He maintained a poker face, "Nope."

I playfully rolled my eyes, "Idiot!" I teased, chuckling as I waved goodbye and skipped off into the night.

Before I knew it, the week had flown by, and Thursday of the following week had arrived. The excitement was building, as the location of the highly anticipated party was finally revealed in the group chat. The venue was none other than the luxurious Hotel Kuban, and the party was set to take place on Saturday night. My mind was racing with anticipation - only two days to go! The countdown had begun, and I couldn't wait to let loose and have the time of my life.

Sweet Flames✔️(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now