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I felt turned on as I watched him watching me. He gaze lingered on my breasts I wore no bra so my nipples stood out against the shirt. The shirt stopped mid thighs, my long legs were totally exposed.

I retreated a step as he approached me, my instincts on high alert.

He halted, his expression a mix of frustration and understanding. "I'm not going to do anything," he said, his voice low and calm. "I just want to talk."

Clyde returned to his seat, his movements deliberate and slow. I sat down too, careful to maintain a safe distance between us, my eyes fixed on him.

We sat in silence, awkwardness hung in the air.

I broke the silence with a clumsy attempt at small talk: "So, you got a car, huh?"

I winced at my own awkwardness.

"Yeah," he replied, his tone neutral.

I nodded, remembering the motorcycle he used to ride when we were together. It was a different time then - Clyde was 22, almost done with university, and I was swept up in the excitement of our whirlwind romance.

"I've started a business also." He told me. I was surprised.

He's started a business? I thought to myself, stunned.

"Really?" I asked aloud, my voice laced with disbelief.

"Yeah, I've invested in many ventures, 360 being one of them," he said, his tone casual, as if it was no big deal.

I was left speechless, my mind racing with questions. Well, his father was a wealthy businessman, so it shouldn't be surprising that Clyde had an eye for business also.

"A friend owns the club, so I invested," he explained, his voice trailing off.

I nodded, trying to process this new information. "I guess you've been doing well," I said, my eyes locking onto his.

For a fleeting moment, I thought I saw a glimmer of melancholy in his gaze, a hint of longing or regret. But he quickly looked away, and I wondered if I had simply imagined it.

"I guess," he replied, his tone neutral, leaving me to wonder what lay beneath his enigmatic expression.

He turned the question back on me, his eyes inquiring. "What about you?"

I sighed, my gaze dropping to my hands. "You remember Mark?" I asked, my voice low.

He nodded, his expression sympathetic. "Yes, your mom's boyfriend." I raised an eyebrow, a mix of emotions swirling inside me.

"Well, not anymore. They're getting married now."

The silence between us grew thick, and I could feel his eyes on me, searching for a crack in my facade. "Are you okay?" he asked gently, his voice piercing through my armor.

I lifted my head, trying to hold back the tears that had suddenly appeared, embarrassing me with their presence.

I forced a laugh, attempting to brush it off. "Shit, of course I'm good. I guess I'm just still a little bit immature." My voice cracked as I admitted the truth. "It's just that it's always been me and my mom... against the world. And now, she's moving on, and I'm... stuck."

"There's nothing immature about it." Clyde assured reaching out to wipe a tear.

We locked eyes, the silence between us speaking volumes. As much as I tried to deny it, being able to talk to him again felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

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