A Little Bit More Dere

658 34 7

Ayanokouji's POV

I, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, am currently in a predicament. A certain mad woman has been forcing me to work lately, my fragile arms and legs may fall off if this continues, and my glass-like mental health may shatter.

Oh how I wish for students to have their own human resources, so I may complain about this sickening injustice.

Ever since I've fallen for that dreadful and deceitful trap, a leash has been placed upon my neck. Forced to respond to every beck and call of the one who holds it.

I had experienced how truly dark and cruel the world can be.


Eh? Was someone talking to me?

I focused my gaze at where the voice originated from and was met with a fierce glare. Oh shoot. I monologue'd mid conversation, a small mishap.

"Is something the matter, Horikita?"

Her eyebrows furrowed even further, extreme annoyance evident on her pretty face.

She looked like an angry cat ready to scratch my face. How adorable

"...can't you even listen properly? do your ears only serve as decoration?" she huffed, hurtling insults like it was nothing, I'm certain you need to have natural talent to be this good at trash talking, "I heard that you went out with Kushida-san the other day?"

Where'd she hear that from? I guess someone spotted us on our trip to the electronics store.

"I did...is there any issue?" I inquired

"It just seems like you've forgotten to report to me and decided to be chummy with her."

She stated as if it was obvious, huh, do I have to report to her my every movement.

A bit controlling if you ask me, I mentally shook my head in dismay.

The chattering inside the classroom became quieter and quieter as our classmates left. Leaving us to our own little world.

"...yeah sure." I lifted my eyebrow as I simply answered.

"That's good that you understand ---"

She picked up her bag as she spoke,

"---Romance really doesn't suit you anyway."

"You should just focus on being beside me, so we could get to Class A faster."

She's starting to be nosier lately, this was the second problem that I'm currently facing as of now.

Her controlling nature seems to be focused on me alone, for some reason, and that's not all---

Horikita's POV


How utterly annoying

I felt something vile rise up my throat, I instinctively gulped. It felt like my heart was clogged and being squeezed at the same time.

Was I perhaps sick?

I've been feeling this way as of late, the source of my current dilemma seems to stem from my apathetic seatmate.

It seems to occur whenever I hear or see his escapades.

His perverted mind is always pre-occupied by the so-called "angel" of our class.

Can't he be a little more mature and take the class competition seriously?

How come whenever I need something from him, I have to force him to do it?!

But when it comes to Kushida-san, he's tripping over himself.

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