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"Are you sure you want to do this?" A man looks concerned at the woman. She gives a soft nod and a deep breath. "I do." The woman says quietly. The woman has a brown skin tone, chestnut brown eyes and long, curly, black hair. She looks down and is quiet. The man sighs and then walks with her to a place they call the "Xanora." The woman walks to the big female statue in the middle and starts asking for her permission. "My name is Zahava Gadot. I'm a Gillado..." She then sighs and looks back down again. "...And I'd like to give up my supernatural abilities." "And what may be the reason?" The statue asks her back. "I'd rather live a powerless life with the person I love, than risk losing him because of them."
Zahava looks ashamed, but it looks like she has everything over for the person she loves the most. She dreamt about living with someone she loves and adores all her life and would even go so far to give up her powers for that person. When she asked her request, her mind instantly went back to a specific date.


- "You come here often?" A blonde, tall, around 6'3 man walks up to Zahava with 2 drinks in his hands. "You looked so lonely, so I thought buying you a drink could make you feel less alone." His hair was slicked back and he was wearing a fine pair of glasses for the prettiest green eyes she has ever seen.
"Thank you, but I'm perfectly capable of buying my own drinks." Zahava gives him a soft smile and takes a drink he offers. The man chuckles a bit by the corny answer and then looks sweet back at her. "Are you new here? I haven't seen you around before." The man asks curiously while he grabs his glasses. He's cleaning them a bit and then puts them back on while waiting for an answer.
"Yes, I moved, for my work." Zahava says while taking a sip from her drink. "Oh! Well what's your occupation then?" The man asks now in a more tone that shows interest. He puts his hand on her lower back and walks outside the bar with her. "Oh, I'm a medical scientist." Zahava says with a shrug. She walks with him outside and listens carefully to what he's telling her.
"That's funny, I'm great at science as well." The man says happily. He's clearly happy to see that he can share his love for science with someone. "But, I'm a cop." He says with an awkward chuckle. "That's so cool! You save peoples lives!!" Zahava says with a bright smile, taking a card out of her purse. "Here, my dial number. You can dial it when you're home again, if you want to talk again."

"Wait." The man holds his hand out for her and gives her a happy smile. "I can drive you home, Since you're new, I might as well tour you a bit of the city." Zahava gives him a happy nod and walks towards him and his car. "What's your name? I never caught it." Zahava asked curiously. -

"Alfred Arden?" The statue is quiet for a while, but then gives off a warm aura, which means she's positive about her request. "I accept this request, but only if you promise me one thing." Zahava nods brightly and looks with a hopeful gaze in her eyes. She holds her hands together to stop herself from jumping around. "Anything!!"
"A mortal life comes with sacrificial, trust, loyalty and risks. You must be aware that you don't have the powers anymore that could prevent all of this." Zahava nods slowly, but then gives in with her words. "I understand, and I accept that." The statue gives her a signal of approval and then takes away the powers she has.
"From now on, the Gillado is only in your genetics, and your first born shall receive your wings, healing factor and telekinetics." With that, the statue takes Zahava's powers and sends her back to earth.

The Change

It's April 8th, 1988. Zahava, now being on earth without any form of powers, is now a scientist that creates cures and new vaccines. She teamed up with her now fiancé, Alfred Arden and other scientists. She got lots of money for her cures for different illnesses. By this time she also had her first born, Malachai, who's 2 years old by now and Jake who is almost 1 year old.

"Ma'am, there's a problem with your new vaccine." A man walks up to Zahava and shows her the side effect of her new vaccine that was supposed to help to prevent cancer. Zahava looks confused and looks at the test results.
"That's weird, it isn't supposed to give her person brain damage." Zahava takes the papers and walks to the testing room, only to see the testers being turned into mutated, uncontrollable creatures. Zahava looks in shock, clearly confused by the situation.
"No. no, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO!!" Zahava runs to her lab and tries to create a cure as fast as possible. Arden notices her stress and tries to calm her down by giving her a soft rub on her back. "It's going to be okay. You'll make the cure in no time. I know you can." Zahava calms down after his words. She looks more focused on the cure now and decides to finish this at home. "Thank you, but I'm done for the day." She grabs her stuff and goes home.

When she arrives at home, she starts to work on a cure day and night. She doesn't seem to stop for sleep, food or water. In the meantime, Arden decided to stay home as well. "I got you some coffee." Arden puts the coffee next to her and then grabs a chair to sit next to her. He sighs while he sees her writing down all kinds of stuff. He looks quietly irritated, but he knows he can't stop her from what she's doing. "Please try to get some rest, I'm sure the team will find a cure or at least a vaccine." He tries to sound as positive as he can be, but Zahava nods and doesn't seem to give in. "No, it's my responsibility, so I need to fix it." Arden gives up in the end and walks away. He seems sad about how obsessed Zahava has gotten with the situation. He tries to read Malachai a story before going to bed himself.

The next day Arden wakes up, seeing Zahava fell asleep on her desk. He looks relieved that she could finally catch some sleep and decides to let her sleep while she takes Malachai on a walk. When he comes back from the walk he notices that Zahava is nowhere at home. He drops Malachai at a great friend and then decides to search for her. Zahava is not in the lab either, but a scientist told Arden she's outside. Arden runs outside, only to see her crying by the side of a cliff. Arden tries to go to her but she keeps yelling to go back. Arden looks confused, but does what she says. He goes back to ask other scientists what happened to her, but no one seems to talk about it. He then goes back to Zahava and starts asking him why she won't go inside.


"ZAHAVA!! GET BACK HERE IT'S NOT SAFE OUT THERE" Arden looks concerned at her while she doesn't seem to respond to him. Instead, she grabs a revolver out her pocket and throws it at him. "It's for the best." She talks quietly and in a guilty way. Arden looks at the gun and then back at Zahava. "What do you mean, 'for the best'?" Zahava doesn't answer him, but remains silent while looking from the cliff.
"GOD DAMMIT ZAHAVA WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Arden is now getting mad at her. Zahava finally turns around, which reveals her loose skin, white eyes and blood on her clothes and face. She starts to cry softly, wiping the blood from her face. Ardens face turns from rage into sadness after seeing her like this. "What happened Zahava?" Zahava starts talking with all the force she has. "Someone put the virus in the water of the lab. I took the water without knowing this, I'm sorry..." Arden tries to stop her by coming closer. "PLEASE ZAHAVA, AND WHAT ABOUT THE CURE?!" Arden starts yelling again while looking more confused about the situation. Zahava nods in a negative way and smiles sadly. "There is no cure. I'd rather die than turn into something I have no control over. Tell Malachai I'm always watching her." "NO, ZAHAVA THERE HAS TO BE ANOTHER WAY!" Arden starts to walk closer and faster to Zahava again. Nothing seems to stop him anymore until Zahava tries to say one last thing. She gives a soft and caring smile and steps forward on the cliff. "I love you, Alfred." She then falls from the cliff without thinking twice about the situation.
"NO!" Arden starts running now and tries to grab her by the leg, but he's too late. "Holy fuck... No, no it can't be." Arden starts to cry quietly, he's breathing heavily while he's looking down the cliff. He sees the lifeless body of Zahava and tries not to throw up when he notices she got impaled by a tree at the bottom of the cliff. He looks at her corpse with one thought wandering through his mind, he wants to fulfil the one wish she had, and that is giving Malachai a better life than hers. He then stands up with a raging look on his face and then looks down to the ground. "Whoever did this, will live a life even the devil himself couldn't give them."

Arden then walks back to the lab and puts his lab coat on his desk and grabs his stuff. A young fine scientist walks into his direction. His hair is chestnut brown just like his eyes. He's tall, slender, yet also fit. "Sir, you can't leave. You're our lead of this project." The man starts showing Arden some documents, telling Zahava to give him the lead of the new project. "Give the lead to Roland, I'm done for now." He then grabs his stuff and walks out. "But sir, you can't do that-" "Leave me alone Langton! Jesus Lucas I told you, give the lead to Roland." Langton looks confused back at him. "But sir, you told me to not quit with what you started." Arden lets out a sigh of annoyance and looks him straight in the eyes. "This is an emergency, Lucas. Now, leave me alone, I'll come back sooner or later."
Arden now walks out the lab and ignores everything people tell him to do. Now being back home again, he decides to move back to Laika City with his kid, Malachai. He decides to become a cop again and starts working for the police department called L.E.S.T, which is located in the Laika Police Department. He met former back-up agent Bill Leigh there and became good friends.

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