Arden's escape

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Cassie's hands are crossed over each other and is annoyed by the fact she doesn't know where her brother is. Malachai is also a bit irritated. "God dammit, I planned to celebrate Rosh Hashanah with my dad this Friday." She says irritated. "I don't care about your stupid religious holidays, I just want my brother to be safe." Malachai hears Cassie and realises her religion is the last she should think about. "Right, I'm sorry. So, how did you end up in this situation?" She asks with an awkward smile. Cassie sighs and looks a bit annoyed. "Well, my mom, she started to act weird. She started to walk a bit crooked and made a clicking sound. Dad was at work, I don't know where he is now. Noah was eating his dessert and I was doing the dishes. Suddenly mom attacked me and I smashed an empty wine bottle at her. It knocked her out, so I took Noah and ran outside. He got distracted outside and walked away from me. After that I got scared and searched for him and suddenly a car exploded and met you." Cassie walks further and Malachai looks worried about her mental health right now.

"I'm so sorry to hear that, Cassie, it must've been difficult to lose your mother." Malachai lays her hand on her shoulder, but Cassie pushes her off and walks off a bit. "What do you know about it?" Malachai walks up to her and looks a bit sad now as well. "Because I lost my mother too. She passed away because of cancer. I know it's difficult to lose a parent, but you're strong." Cassie gives her a shrug and walks off again. "Thanks I guess." She seems irritated and really wants to find her brother at this point. "Where is Noah? NOAH!" Malachai blows the hair out her face and holds her hand on her gun. "You're not the only one searching for someone, I'm searching for my partner as well." Malachai says while she's examining the city. "Who are you looking for? Does your partner have a name? Is your boyfriend hot?" Cassie chuckles a bit while saying that. Malachai stops and puts her hands down and sighs. "He's not my boyfriend, I think... whatever that's none of your business." Cassie laughs a bit and puts her hands on her hips. "I still haven't heard the name Mal." Malachai sighs and shakes her head in irritation. "His name is Morgan, Luke Morgan." Cassie's smile suddenly drops and she widens her eyes. "THE Luke Morgan?" Malachai nods confused while Cassie is hyperventilating about the fact she met someone close to Luke Morgan. "Honey, are you okay?" Malachai asks, a bit worried now. Cassie nods and she giggles a bit. "Oh god..." Malachai puts her hand on her hip and sighs loudly and irritatedly. Cassie turns around and looks annoyed again. Malachai now walks past her in front and they walk in an old coffee shop.

"Eww, what's that smell?" Cassie asks while she's waving the smell away with her hand. "Weed, mostly, or vapes, hash brownies, space cakes-" Malachai bumps to a dead man that's sitting against the wall. "Or a dead man." She says with a shrug. "Ew, gross. My friend vapes and it disgusts me." Malachai chuckles a bit after she hears Cassie say that and she's leaning over a counter to examine the place. "Don't start with it." "Yeah I know, but you know, Luke smokes, so I might as well need to get used to the smell." Malachai suddenly looks up and looks a bit annoyed again. She reminds herself that Cassie is probably a 15 year old with a huge crush on a celebrity. She can't quite blame her, since she had a crush on Eminem. "Mal, did you ever have a celebrity crush?" Cassie asks curiously. Malachai sighs in embarrassment and turns around slowly. "Eminem..." Cassie immediately starts laughing in her face and shakes her head. "EMINEM? Oh my god you're worse than I thought." Malachai looks annoyed and serious now. "Leave me alone, this is not funny. I'm deadly serious right now." Cassie keeps laughing and Malachai keeps getting more annoyed now. "Cassie, we need to move further." Cassie nods and follows her now. They walk out the coffee shop from the other side and they land in a park. Suddenly something crawls out of the ground in the centre of the park. It's a huge creature, with multiple heads, arms and legs. "Holy shit." Malachai says while she grabs her gun.

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