Saving Clover

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After a few hours, Luke is wandering through the lab himself now. He's looking in the test rooms of the lab while wandering around the place. There are skeletons in some of them, while in others are people that are scratching the walls or their own skin off. Some are forced to pour this liquid over them that burns their skin off. Luke looks a bit disgusted by this and tries to ignore the voices that are screaming for his flesh and blood as best as possible. One managed to escape and stands in front of Luke now. "Flesh.... Blood.... Meat...." "Sorry man, but this meat is expensive." Luke says while putting the side of his hands on his chest. The thing is charging at Luke now, but Luke doesn't seem to get bothered by this. He pulls a side kick and when the thing is on the floor, he drops an axe kick. "This meat is for Mama only." Luke says while stretching a bit. "Fucking skinwalker thing oh my god." Luke walks further again and enters another lab.
"Zahava Gadot, hm." Luke walks in the office and the first thing she notices is a picture of her and 2 babies in her hands. "MILFF!" Luke says to the picture. "Who's the dad man that man is lucky as fuck." He wipes the dust off and his eyes widen. "Captain Arden? So he really was a scientist in this lab? What happened here?" Luke notices that there's a single video file called. "Lastly." He clicks on the video and it's a video from Zahava:

"If you see this I'm probably gone already. The cure Langton created for cancer is not a cure. It's a virus that'll make you do the craziest kind of things. Alfred... if you see this... I want you to know that I love you so much, but I got infected as well.

I got diagnosed with cancer last week, and since I was so sure it would work, I took it. I need to do it. I need... to unalive myself.

Please don't talk much about me to the children, I love you."

The video ends after those last words. "Oh my god... That's brutal- Wait a minute." Luke grabs the note Malachai read earlier. I can finally cure my wife and live with my 2 children in peace, but Lucas his file says his wife died at childbirth.'' He starts thinking about the situation and starts thinking about some theories. His final theory was the fact that Lucas got jealous that Arden could have the family he never got and went psycho. Luke tries to shake it off by saying other stuff to himself such as how Malachai got her moms genes and that's why she's so good looking.
He thought by himself that he wouldn't think he would actually think about her this much. Of course he was joking with his team mate, Jake, how hot Jake's sister is, but he didn't think it would actually be a fact. Of course he had multiple girls he talked to, but he couldn't hide the fact it felt so much more special with Malachai than any other girl he talked to before. He sighs and rubs his head a bit, trying to shake it off. "I can't right now. She probably hates me anyway. I mean, I am so unserious in situations like these. She's out here saving my ass multiple times and I am here, acting like a horny teenager." Luke suddenly switches in his way of behaving. He's taking this mission very seriously now. "I need to help her. I can't lose someone else I care about."

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