Who doesn't just climb the Walmart aisle?

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It was a completely normal day. Well aside from the fact that she had been running late for work, and almost face planted down the stairs of her apartment, and ran out of cereal, and lost her left shoe, and well- Okay so maybe it hasn't been a completely normal day.

Lottie Knox had her honey brown hair thrown up into a messy bun, for practicality, she is currently on a rushed walk to Walmart.

Upon entering Walmart, she grabbed a cart and began her shopping. Going from aisle to aisle, checking prices and freshness.

Whilst checking her list, she accidentally hit a poor stranger in the leg with her cart.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry I hadn't seen you there" She spewed then looked at the person she hit. Dark blue eyes pierced her soul. She noticeably had to tilt her head up at an odd angle to meet this man's face.

It was awkward, to say the least. He just shuffled on his feet before turning and walking away. She huffed and puffed. If this were a cartoon, people would be able to see the steam coming out of her ears. Being petty, she stomped around the store as she made it to the cereal aisle.

As she walked down the aisle, she began searching for the perfect breakfast.

"A-hah!" she said with triumph, only after did she realise it was out loud because of course it was.

Her face of victory soon changed to one of confusion as she realised that the box of her chosen cereal was on the top shelf. Would someone else see this as an issue? Of course, HOWEVER, she decided to call on her rock climbing skills from that one hiking trip a few years ago and scale the shelves.

Had this been the best idea? No, probably not. Does she care? Not particularly. At least she didn't till she felt her right foot slip.

" FUCk- DEAR GOD- CRAP- SHIT- MOTHERFU-", her 'cuss fest' was cut off when she landed on a relativily firm surface,"Oof.."

'huh. I could have sworn I had landed on the ground, but this is firm yet slightly squish' she thought as her hands wandered and slightly squeezed the surface she had landed on.

There was a grunt from above her head, "Are you done groping my chest yet?" a baritone voice asked condescendingly.

Lottie practically launched herself backward when she looked up into those cold, dark blue eyes.

Her mouth was opening and closing like a fish out of water.

How could she have been so dumb as to not realize she was feeling a man's chest? Her brother, Van, was NEVER going to let her live this down.

From a safe distance, she began admiring the man. With closer inspection, she realized his eyes weren't cold.

They're 're gently downturned with flecks of browns and yellows in the deep blue. They were framed with beautiful chestnut colored curly hair. He had pretty pale skin, but it was free of any blemishes.

Some sort of a staring contest had started between the two. One transfixed with the other. A battle of the wills, if you would. She huffed as she realised he wasn't going to help her up, pushing off the ground herself.

She squinted at him," don't you know it's impolite to stare at people?" she asked, ignoring that she, herself, had been staring as well.

"Don't you know it's impolite to grope strangers after falling out of the sky?" he bit back.

She blushed at his statment.

Grumbling about 'men these days' and thinking that he's probably just some jurk. A very handsome jurk, but a jurk none the less.

She began walking back to her cart. There was a tap on her sholder that had her turning around with a raised eyebrow.

"Your cereal." he said, holding out the box, "it seemed pretty important if you were willing to do stunts to get it." He chuckled softly when she snatched the box.

Honestly, she felt a tad bit bad that she had assumed he was a jurk. But only a tad bit.

"Thank you." she mumbled. Lottie watched as he walked away, but when he was about halfway back down the aisle, he turned back and pointed to his forehead.

"You have a little something." And with that, he walked away.

She brought her hand up and felt a sticker. Peeling it off to see what on earth was stuck to her, she saw a 50% discount sticker.

Her responding screech pratically shook the building.

So, of course, she went home to retell the entire story to her brother. Huffing and puffing as she set the bags down on their counter, calling out for the man in question.


Soon the pitter patter of feet rushing down the stairs sounded.

"YOU BETTER HAVE GOT MY SHIT" Van screeched as he slid into the kitchen with his hello kitty socks. She rolled her eyes and threw a pack of small square cheese cubes at him. In the coner of her eye she witnessed a small happy dance.

"Boy have I got some tea for you," she said while putting the box of cereal into the cabinet, he hummed in acknowledgement and gestured for her to spill the beans as he put away the vegetables.

"Okay, so I've been having a wacky day, right?-" she turned,"Dont you dare drink from the carton, get a damn glass. Lazy" She huffed before getting the other cabnit items put away.

He pouted before just putting the milk back in the fridge.

"But anyway, I hit this guy with the cart at Walmart, and let me tell you, when we made eye contact, it felt like he was seeing me. Which is weird, right?" she asked while hoping up onto the counter for a makeshift seat.

"Wait, you hit him with the cart?" Van snorted, lottie rolled her eyes and continued anyway.

"Yeah, anyway, he just kinda looked at me and then walked away. Like who does that? I did have time to apologize so that's good." she began gently swinging her legs, tapping the heel of her foot against the counter.

"So I was walking down the cereal aisle, right? And the one I wanted was way at the top so logically I climbed it." She shared proudly.

"Would have done the same,continue." He chuckled and rested his hip on the fridge, leaning at a slant with a small smile

She pulled her legs up into the criss cross," well, i fell and landed right on top of him. But before i realized it was him i started feeling his chest" she buried her face into her hands.

Van's small eyes widened so fast as he began cackling at his sister's demise.

"L-let me get this straight.."he gasped for air," you fell on him a-and then groped him?" He laughed harder when she nodded slowly.

"IN MY DEFENSE HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW" she begane laughing as she tried to plead her case.

"You, dear, are such an airhead sometimes,' he said as his laughter died down to a chuckle.

She broke out into a sly grin, "at least he was hot," she said while wiggling her eyebrows.

"You're impossible," van snorted and went back up to his room. Leaving lottie to her thoughts.

'Tomorrows a new day' she thought, ' a hot-stranger free day.'

Okay, first chapter down 💪🏽

I hope I've done the idea justice, I'm going to start on chapter two as soon as my creativity flows


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