Cookies With A Side Of Fired? Just The Cookies Please

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It's been a good 2 weeks since the 'boyfriend' incident, there hasn't been much going on for lottie aside from a jog here or there and a few shifts at Cafe CoCo where she works.

Lottie had woken up, done some basic makeup, and went to work. It was a cute little cafe that she absolutely loved, the customers were normally well mannered and she got along with her boss.

She was shocked when she walked into her workplace and was greeted by a sour-faced old woman. She went straight to her bosses office, and Sue had her sit down.

"Is everything okay?" she asked genuinely, not understanding what had Sue in such a bad mood.

There was a heavy sigh before she passed a cream colored folder across the table. With a raised eyebrow, Lottie picked it up and opened, immediately disgusted with what she saw.

Inside were very adult photos of her and random men. Her eyes widened, and she pratically snapped her neck with how fast she looked at her boss.

"I- I swear this isn't me!" she tried defending herself," I have no clue - who even gave this to you?" she didn't understand.

How did someone even get photos like these? She felt violated, and her skin began to crawl. Someone out there had photos like these.

With a voice withered from age, Sue looks at lottie and shakes her head,"I can't have ya workin' here if you're out actin' like that."

"B-But it's not what you think! I swear that these aren't real!" she stood in protest.

"I'm sorry dearie, you're one of my best workers, but with"She shook her head again,"You're fired."

Lotties mouth hung open in shock, angry tears welling up at her bottom lash line. She grabbed her bag while rubbing at her face furiously. As she stormed out of the cafe, she huffed and puffed. Her disgust and confusion easily turned into rage.

Once a good and safe distance from the cafe, she threw her small bag down at the grass and screamed out in frustration.

A man walking his dog gave her a 'I'm so glad I'm not you' look, and she snarled at him,"WHAT?! Have you never seen a lady have a bad day?"

He quickly walked in the other direction as she plopped down onto the grass and hung her head between her knees.There she sat for a few minutes, going over what had just happened in her head.

On one hand, she was fired, and on the other holy shit she was fired.

How was she supposed to tell Van? He was so happy when she got this job a few months ago. She sat, with a burning feeling in her chest at the injustic of it all, grinding her teeth.

There was the sound of the grass crunching as someone approached her, and not soon after the sound stopped, a hand was set on her shoulder.

She lifted her head and found herself looking into a dazzling pair of dark blue eyes.

They had to be contacts because they were so blue it was as if she was staring out at the ocean. They were paired with a gentle smile,"Lottie, are you okay? Do you mind if I sit?" Luther asked politely.

He seemed to be crouched uncomfortably, so she nodded, not really trusting her ability to speak at the moment.

He sat and got comfortable next to her, looking around for a second,"So what're you doing out here all on your own?" He looked at her, and she was taken aback by the amount of innocence his eyes held.

Her mouth opened and closed a few times. It would seem that it was becoming a habit.

"I got fired and threw a fit." she groaned as she rested the side of her head on his shoulder. When he didn't say anything, she figured it was fine and got a little closer to be more comfortable.

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