Sandwich V.s Great Dane, Who Will Win?

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Lottie went to bed in a zombified manner, trugging along the small hallway past the shared bath and her brother's room.

She woke even less energized to a phone call at 7:30am.

Grumbling as she did so, she answered the phone,"What?" she snapped, face still half buried in her pillow. She felt her cat, Atwood, jump up and pace before plopping on her ass as cats do. She was happy to see, well, feel more than anything, him. He normally hid under her bed.

"Have I woken you up?" A warm voice sounded in her ear, flushing red, she finally checked the caller ID, Sleepy eyes suddenly becoming alert as she sat up simultaneously scaring herself and Atwood.

She face-palmed,"I'm sorry, me and my bro - we were up pretty late." She lay back down and yawned,"What's up?" She played with a strand of her hair.

He chuckled lightly,"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a picnic? There's this beautiful park near my place, and well, i'd love to get to know you more, I should have taken into consideration that you might be busy or something." She could almost hear the decline in his confidence the longer he talked.

"I would love to hang out with you!" She said as excitedly as someone half asleep could.

"Want me to bring sandwiches? There's this new spread thing I got, and it'd be great to try it with you." She waited patiently for a response. It took a little while, and he seemed shocked she had said yes, but they ended up settling on :430pm for a late lunch.

After hanging up, she sprang outta her bed and dashed into the shared bathroom. Turns out that Van was in there brushing his teeth with a sour look on his face.

"What on earth has FINAlLLY got you up and moving before 12?" he asked in false mockery.

Whilst shoving him from the room, toothbrush, and all, she replied,"For your information, jackass, I need to shower and get ready to go hang out with my friend." She huffed, closing the door in his face.

He grumbled,"bitch,"then called through the door,"Don't be easy!" before walking to finish his teeth in the kitchenette. He vaguely heard her call 'fatass' from the bathroom and poked at his stomach a bit.

Lottie started up her favorite shower playlist and got down to business. Starting with a cherry blossom shampoo, she scrubbed it into her roots before washing it out as best as she could.

She began singing off key and had a mini concert before doing the conditioner for the dying ends and then a blossom bodywash and scrub.

She took another 20 minutes to properly shave her legs, stomach, her underarms, and anywhere else she felt had too much hair.

Hopping out after a good 45 minutes, she felt clean and refreshed. Scrolling on her phone, she found it was supposed to be 76 degrees out and settled on a green dress with strawberries printed on it.

Twirling happily in her dress as she made her way down the hall and towards the stairs, she could see her brother. Planning on scaring him, she began creeping down the steps with feather light feet.

He had yet to notice her. However, she noticed he was searching the medicine cabinet, and she stopped in the "doorway" confused.

'Whatcha doin'?" she asked with a tilt of her head. He spun towards her, looking a little paler than normal, and shoved past her stalking out and up into his room. The door shut with a loud thud .

She had just begun the trek back upstairs when Luther texted and asked if he should bring drinks.

Which had reminded her of the sandwiches!

Lottie hurriedly replied to Luther's text, 'Sure, drinks would be great!'

With a skip in her step, she continued getting ready, selecting a comfortable blanket, a wicker basket, and packing the sandwiches she had excitedly made earlier. As she gathered everything, she couldn't shake off the infectious enthusiasm building up within her.

At 4:30 pm, Lottie arrived at the park, where Luther was waiting on a bench with a warm smile. They found a cozy spot beneath a tree, the sunlight filtering through the bright leaves. The vibrant green grass served as their picnic spot, surrounded by the sweet scent of flowers.

Luther unfolded the blanket, and Lottie placed the basket in the center, revealing a delicious spread of sandwiches, fresh fruit, and snacks.

"So, you said you have a brother?" Luther asked while popping a strawberry into his mouth. The atmosphere was filled with the sounds of nature and the distant murmur of people enjoying the park.

She finished the bite she had in her mouth before nodding," Yup!,"She popped the P,"Van, he's all I've had for a while. Truthfully, I'm pretty worried about him. He's been getting distant, you know?"

It was his turn to nod,"Yeah, well- no." he said sheepishly,"I'm an only child, so I never really had anyone like that." After that, it grew quiet, and as they indulged in the picnic, a sudden rustling caught their attention.

Out of nowhere, a big, majestic Great Dane appeared, its eyes barely seen under all its fur.

Lottie extended a hand cautiously, offering a friendly gesture to the curious canine. However, the Great Dane had its sights set on the sandwiches. With a swift movement, it snatched one of the sandwiches and began a playful game of keep-away, evading Lottie's attempts to retrieve it.

Luther burst into a deep, rich laughter, finding the unexpected visitor quite entertaining. Lottie joined in, trying to simultaneously retrieve the sandwich and not get tripped by the huge dog. The impromptu game turned into a memorable moment.

Eventually, with a wag of its tail, the Great Dane surrendered the sandwich and ran off, presumably in the direction of its owner.

Lottie collapsed onto the blanket, looking up at the sky as the sun began setting. She hadn't realised it had gotten so late.

She rolled onto her side and looked over at luther,"That huff was exhausting" She said while taking big gulps of air.

He looked at her, tilting his head down over his shoulder so he could see her better. Smiling widely, he said,"I dunno, the was pretty entertaining to me."

She huffed and puffed, crossing her arms while she shifted onto her back all the way.

"To day was fun! I enjoyed having out with you. I can already tell we'll be great friends, " she said, then caught the look on his face and thought perhaps that wasn't the best choice of words.

He looked away, cleared his throat, and stood.

"I better get going. I had fun as well."

And she once again watched as he walked away, wondering;

Was it something I said?

Gosh, it feels like it's been forever since I last touched this. Just a few days, though.

Hope this chaper is up to par, I should have one up tomorrow as well, as I'm hoping to set a somewhat schedule of updating on Saturdays.


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